I(33F) asked my husband (31M) to wear a condom and he freaked out

In the last couple of months my husband had some doubtful behavior, enough that I had to ask him if he previously cheated. Even though he refuses it, I’ve asked your pet to start wearing condoms whenever we have sex, just until all of us work some things away with a therapist. I’m honestly conflicted about whether or not the believe him and I want to give him the benefit it from the doubt so I felt like him wearing a condom would allow us to move forward in our romantic relationship while still keeping me “safe”. It would take a wide range of anxiety away for me.

When I asked him to get this done he freaked out. This individual said he believes a person shouldn’t have to wear the condom in a marriage and that it takes away all the satisfaction for him to do this. This individual told me if I’m worried about pregnancy I should get on birth control (we have talked about this in the past and I explained which i am not able to be on birth control for a variety of reasons and that I had tried). He is been super mean toward me for the last couple of days and pretty much told me he won’t have sex with me if he’s to wear a condom. This individual told me he needs time for you to mentally process my ask for. He’s making me feel as if I am asking him to perform something horrible and i really don’t know how to respond.

I explained very truthfully why I was asking for this and that it would just be until we got through several therapy (not forever) great response and reaction made me feel like I am simply an object HE OWNS to get sex with however this individual wants. My feelings didn’t seem to be relevant at all. I’m really confused.

submitted by /u/ThrowRAnopenope
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