Sophydiva, 25 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
Online Live Sex Chat rooms Sophydiva
Date: September 20, 2022
Sophydiva, 25 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
I have been working with individuals for a goodly number of years
and I know one thing that people guard jealousy are the illusions
they use to make sense of their lives.
I have mine.
You have yours.
Have a Nice Day.
Thanks so much ❤️. Yes honesty and full transparency is vital. I don’t think he will react badly either. He may not want to do it, and that’s fine and his choice which I’ll respect, but I feel confident we can discuss it like adults.
This is controlling manipulate behavior. You are noticing the big red flags being waived. What are you going to do about them? She does not consider your feelings at all. She decides what's best for her, even if inconveniences you, and endangers your health. Think about that.
You sound like a fucking chore
A teenage girl he watched grow up.
Strangers on the internet don't know either. Any relationship with person romantic or platonic comes with risks of ending, if you are not prepared for risks you should buy a dog.
But that’s on him and has nothing to do with you
What the fuck. That guy sounds insane
This is your answer OP.
This isn't about a list and it isn't about SIL. It's about respect.
You deserve to be respected as a person- by your in-laws, and especially by your husband.
And in your husband, you deserve to have a partner, a person who's by your side and has your back no matter what.
It sounds like he is anything but that.
Yeah most probably, that’s a good suggestion, thanks! I’ll make that a last resort if further exploration regarding his mental stimulation doesn’t work.
Is that fair to him though? For him to think it's ending just because of what he's done instead of me acknowledging what I've done wrong?
She's setting herself up to sue your company for sexual harassment, when she's the aggressor.
Switch genders around here- let's say it was a man that was touching females at this place of employment, forcing kisses, and putting bodily fluids on them.
Your boyfriend needs to get HR involved and start documenting this, or he's going to be named as a defendant in a lawsuit.