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Ameliavallejo live! webcams for YOU!



Date: October 16, 2022

88 thoughts on “Ameliavallejo live! webcams for YOU!

  1. “just swallow it if you really like the guy” is terrible advice. if op decides she doesn't like it, she shouldn't do it just for him

  2. Spoken like someone who has never been in this dynamic… Shame on you. If anyone needs to leave the conversation it's you because you're not helping.

  3. Echoing everyone else, this is not a good man.

    He is prioritizing his wants over yours, which sounds like what he did when he was flirting with other women. It’s because he cares more about himself. Think about the kind of person who would separate these siblings just so he can replace with a different cat. How is your cat ever going to accept this replacement? That isn’t going to work. Your boyfriend is not smart, not thoughtful, and not respectful.

    Why are you with him?

  4. Not only does he not respect you and the relationship, he could harm the baby with this stress. He’s garbage, time to take the trash out,

  5. Hahaha, acutely the reason why I stayed is because when I told my boyfriend about it, he said ‘it’s about time someone stood up to my mother’ and told me to confront her. I did. She screamed and scratched me and cried. After this, my boyfriend and I stayed together and far away from her. I just can’t help but remember her whenever he acts a little selfish or begins to show some ‘spoiled’ behavior. She basically sees her son as God. It’s not a joke.

  6. Yeah, I do admit it was very inconsiderate of me to do and I feel really guilty about it. Is there any way I could possibly fix it? I apologized but it seems like there’s no hope.

  7. How to tell her that you are uncomfortable with her actions.

    You dump her.

    You have already brought it up, and she shut it down, basically gaslighting you.

    When you dump her, find out who the best friends GF is, and let her know that she might want to watch her BF and your ex to make sure she is comfortable with the way they act.

  8. It's over. She's cheating on you emotionally already. This guy is ready to hit it if he hasn't already. Your ex-wife wants her ho phase while she's married to you. Don't do this to yourself. You will look like a chump to everyone you know. Because trust me. You probably already do. I bet she flirts with other men in front of you when you are out. Cause she's lol flirty. No wife/ husband should ask for open marriage. That mean they don't respect your marriage. You're just a stable income/ homemaker/ friend. You're better than this. Tell her you will be seeking an annulment because you were married under false pretenses. Stay strong king.

  9. Yup. I'd call the landlord, figure out the costs to escape, take all my shit (and anything jointly owned cause fuck it) and leave her to fend for herself there.

  10. I tend to be very forgiving until we actually start dating. After the first date I pay closer attention to peoples actions.

    Although, for conversation topic regarding a date set up. I would expect that to be handled at an appropriate speed.

  11. Something dudes want, about the size of a stand mixer. I use mine multiple times a day. More as a replacement for an oven than for a deep fryer.

  12. u/the_infamous-one, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  13. Right after my daughter was born, I discretely wrote her initials with permanent marker on the bottom of her foot (about the area of a nickel). My wife laughed when she learned what I had done.

  14. I didn't read the first post, only this update. I really was hoping this was some 1 in a million scene and you were the father but alas. Stay Strong ?

  15. Move out, and then start focusing on one on one relationships with each otlfbtgem separate of the current family dynamics

  16. You say he believes his actions speak louder than words. On a day to day basis, what do his actions say? Is he reliable? Is he respectful? Is he trustworthy? Does he treat you with trust? Or do you fight often?

  17. Call her a homewrecker and get her STD test kits for Christmas. ? Mostly joking but it's gross! You should figure out the wife's contact info and tell on both of them. ?

  18. I don't follow my fiance on social media at all. I only have Twitter, but I prefer to keep it separate. That's just me though.

  19. You are entitled to feel how you feel, but you are blowing this way out of proportion.

    Take a step back. Breathe. And think about this.

    To try and make out that this is some kind of massive betrayal of your trust is an over reaction. He went out a couple of times with someone years before he even knew you. It wasn’t serious. He can’t even remember how many times he went out with her, or the specifics of what they did.

    He didn’t lie to you. He didn’t deceive you. It wasn’t something important to him, so it never occurred to him to tell you.

    If you make him cut off all contact with his friends, then that is the beginning of end of your relationship. You will be punishing him even though he didn’t do anything wrong, he will start to resent you and it will be very hot to recover from that.

  20. You’re going to get shit for snooping. Most people snoop at some point or another for all sorts of reasons. What I will say is that if you go snooping you are likely to find something you don’t like. That is a valuable lesson you learned today.

    The older you get, the more likely it is that you’ve experienced people and your partners will have too. They’ve been in love before and done different things because different strokes for different folks (pun intended).

    It’s likely a self esteem issue you have. Hopefully her chapter on you was fantastic. If she’s a good person, you might want to hold on. Her being promiscuous prior to your relationship does not make her a bad person, but it may indicate she has some emotion issues/trauma.

    Also, you should probably tell her you read it. I kept a journal many times, and my privacy has been violated every damn time. But I’d be a liar if I said I never looked through my ex’s shit when I assumed he was cheating (he was).

  21. You’ve set yourself up to be continuously disappointed.

    You’ve over involved your BFs mom in your personal relationship.

    You didn’t press very hot for conclusive evidence to when you could have.

    Know your value. He’s cheating. His mom isn’t your bestie.

    If you continue with this approach I hope you realize you’re in for a rollercoaster of bullshit.

  22. She saw him being a victim of female perpetrated intimate partner violence as a relationship green flag? Why do you think that?

  23. 6 inches is above average in that US and in some parts of Europes. 6 inches is considered average in some African nation. This has been scientifically proven. Congrats you have a big dick unfortunately your gf is trash. You should probably get rid of her and find another girl.

  24. No but I do have very bad adhd. I don’t take medication for it because I had bad reactions to adderall.

  25. Propose on your timeline. Wait until you are more situated. You had a plan, a logical plan, stick to that. Especially when you’d be ruining someone else’s moment

  26. I don't feel like I'm locked though. Everyone else that I've had an interest in either ignored me, insulated me, or tried to manipulate me into situations I don't like. She's been the only girl I've had an interest in that seems to be nice and kind to me.

    I don't have my doors closed for people, but it seems like I'm not the attractive type. I've haven't been told that by anyone, but I always keep seeing my friends and my brother be successful in love while I'm the one no one hates, but no one wants anything more than a friend. She's just been the only girl in my life to ever support me in whatever I do.

    I know there's plenty of people, but there doesn't seem to be one that seems to want me at all. So, the best I can do is give my best friend the love and support I want to give to her. I don't expect her to feel the same way ever, but I guess it makes me happy to see her light up when I do try.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't know if anyone else would treat me this nicely ever. I'm just scared that it'll never happen, so I'm just going to love her because it makes me happy, even if it's not a relationship.

  27. You're right, I do need to grow up. Part of growing up might be accepting that I shit the bed on this one.

    Thanks for your input 🙂

  28. By the way: I gave the backstory because now that I left my state, I don’t really have anywhere to go back home to. My parents don’t have room for me in their studio apts and I only have 2 brothers who also live! in small apts with their significant others. And I definitely don’t have enough money saved up to just go get my own place. I feel stuck and I don’t know what to do.

    I also feel like I pushed him to that point with the fighting and leaving. I know it’s not my fault but he’s not doing a great job at making me feel like it’s not.

  29. It’s not healthy to have one friendship without which you will “collapse”. You’re making her an unwilling participant in your own self-torture.


  30. It’s not healthy to have one friendship without which you will “collapse”. You’re making her an unwilling participant in your own self-torture.


  31. It’s not healthy to have one friendship without which you will “collapse”. You’re making her an unwilling participant in your own self-torture.


  32. Do it for me and I’ll pay you. You don’t even have to ever meet me in person! I will just need your peer-reviewed research and credentials.

  33. Thank you it’s nice to hear from someone in the perspective. I know she can get better she definitely needs to get out tho

  34. She might not be doing anything about his behavior because she’s scared of how he’ll react. Like you can tell someone to leave you alone but they might not listen and he knows where she lives and is already showing up uninvited. Does he know about you two? I’d be worried about his reaction if you start dating.

    The school probably won’t switch him out of her class and they might not be able to even help her. My college wouldn’t do anything about my friends stalker until the cops were involved. When hers was doing stuff like this the campus police said like “he has a crush he’ll get over it eventually.”

    I’d just support her and let her realize how creepy it is. Then let her figure out how she wants to handle it and support her. She may not be ready to see how bad he is

  35. Nobody is bashing you dude. Plenty of people are telling you this sounds like a terrible idea. If you can't separate those two things I don't know what to say. “Grow up” isn't bashing, it's suggesting you should be old enough to recognize when something is a bad choice.

    If you go into any generic advice forum and ask “hi I am sharing a bed with a roommate and she wants to start having sex with no condom” you'd get a resounding answer that it is a terrible idea regardless of her profession. Sleeping with roommates is a terrible idea.

  36. It could all be because it was too soon to live! together. I bet things would be different if you had your own place.

  37. File for divorce. I think that a lot of people let relationships like this go on way too long, because it's very hot for the average, functional adult to accept that another adult is just incapable of feeling a sense of fairness, or responsibility, or living like a person in a house instead of like a cave troll. It seems so unfathomable that the other person can't see that they shouldn't be like that, that we keep trying to explain it to them because it should be so damned easy for them to understand.

    The truth is that if he is willing to let his child starve to finish his game, if he truly doesn't care enough about his partner to do anything for her birthday, and if he doesn't look at a dirty house and a sleep-deprived overwhelmed partner, and decide to do something other than sleep, then you don't want that kind of a human being in your life. They're past the point where their brain was forming ideas about social and personal responsibility, moral right and wrong, guilt, etc. You can't go back and make these things an intrinsic part of their makeup as an adult. All you can do is scare/hammer them so much with consequences that they go through the motions, all the while having the nerve to resent you for forcing them to fulfill their basic responsibilities as a partner.

    Leave him. And when you do, and he promises to do better, ignore it. The only two possible outcomes are 1) He cannot physically or mentally do better, and so he is just wasting more of your time, or 2) He CAN do better, but all your misery and exhaustion wasn't worth it. It was only when he was going to lose something himself was it worth putting in the effort. Who the hell would want to stay with someone that cruel and selfish?

  38. Suggesting to rehome a dog, especially if the dog has been in her life longer than you, is a real ask. One that can cause resentment long term. You tried allergy shots but stopped because of drowsiness. How very hot did you try and make the shots work? Did you talk to the doctor about your reaction? Or did you just give up?

    I’m not saying this to be mean. Allergy shots are a significant time commitment and if one really doesn’t want to do it, it’s easy to stop. It’s easier to suggest getting rid of the dog than arranging work&life around allergy shots. You’d have to schedule the shots at a time when you could go directly home and sleep. Of course, there are other mitigation strategies for reducing dog allergens. She’d have to implement those too.

  39. I’m convinced women like this crave babies like I crave opioids, it’s literally nonsensical. Like I’m this irrational need that just takes the fuck over.

    Please don’t give in. Don’t have kids you can’t afford.

  40. He seems to not have a problem with it. They previously had an open marriage which was later closed. I know no more details than that.

    When I raise it with him he says that I need to trust him and that it is purely platonic. I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall and cannot get him to see my point of view

  41. There's not really any compromise here. You just want to be with him. That's completely valid. He has openly told you that he wants to be with someone else. That's also valid, but it's also super shitty, because if he's so “sad” and miserable, he should have just broken up with you, not tried to guilt trip and manipulate you into a relationship dynamic that you're not comfortable with.

    This all just sounds exhausting, you'd probably be happier without him, just for the fact that'd you'd have a lot more mental energy and inmer peace without all his drama taking up space in your head.

    That's just my 2 cents, but my actual advice? Don't do the sit-down with all three of them. That's just an opportunity for them to all gang up on you and lay down the guilt. I don't even know these people, and I'm still 90% sure that this “talk” is just gonna be them sitting around telling you how “sad” he is and how much you're “hurting” by wanting him to not sleep with other people, all while steamrollering right over your feelings on the matter. Don't put yourself in that position, they'll just make you feel crazy. You're not crazy.

  42. Maybe help more around the house and with the kids. Get someone to come and clean once a week for her to help. 4 kids 6 and under is enough to make anyone tired. Spring for a sitter for a date night. Bring romance back to your relationship.

  43. Maybe help more around the house and with the kids. Get someone to come and clean once a week for her to help. 4 kids 6 and under is enough to make anyone tired. Spring for a sitter for a date night. Bring romance back to your relationship.

  44. First, you travel 2 weeks a month, so you only spend there 50% of the time while your parter is there 100% of the time. Your partner is there TWICE the time.

    Your dog can go to puppy day care twice a week to get more running if you want.

    The extra bedrooms are great when kids start walking and running. It means you can close the door and have privacy or sex. And it means they can have a play area without you stepping on stuff or the dog eating toys (many dogs do eat them and come the vet bills) or chewing stuff.

  45. Why would you need that peace of mind if you genuinely don’t think your partner is capable of not only cheating but making you raise another man’s baby?

  46. I just talked to her about getting back on her meds and she said she didn’t like the way they made her feel. So I suggested talking to her doctor about possibly trying to get different medications but she said she’s afraid of the possibly of them giving her the new meds and they leave her worse off than she already is.

    I also reintroduced the idea of therapy and she seems a lot less interested now. She doesn’t think it’ll help because she can’t undo what happened when she was assaulted.

  47. Bro you need to just break up.

    Just be real: “I need to be in a relationship where I feel wanted and valued. I’m not getting that here, and despite my constant efforts to show you how loved and valued you are to me I don’t feel like the effort is being reciprocated.

    I have a sex drive, and constantly being turned down by my significant other damages my self confidence and self esteem especially when you constantly share your previous sexual encounters and how you had more of a spark with others even though I’ve asked you not to. I don’t like the way our relationship is going and I do not want this to be the rest of my life, so I’m calling off the engagement and I feel it would be best if we stopped seeing each other.”

    Boom! You’re done, and you were firm but respectful.

  48. It's because something isn't a social construct doesn't mean it's not real. I never denied that we haven't made race a thing and then it's not part of people's identity. And that's why I said in my initial comment that I wasn't saying it wasn't real.

  49. You’re girlfriend is out there helping her best friend get through cancer and you are on Reddit looking for hookers and trying to do nsfw stuff with people. I don’t think she’s the problem. The problem you have, is this thing called projection.

  50. I’m definitely not ok with that. I have expressed this exact logic to him and yet still, I’m overthinking it.

  51. I’m definitely not ok with that. I have expressed this exact logic to him and yet still, I’m overthinking it.

  52. I’ve been rearranging my room furniture at least once a year since I was young. I’d barricade the door (so my parents couldn’t come in and stop me) and move things around – took all day because I’d also clean behind things and that type of thing.

    Then when it was finished, my parents could come in and say whatever, but do nothing about it! My mum didn’t really understand why I needed to have things a bit different sometimes.

    So when I became an adult and got my own place, I was doing it all on my own, just like when I was young.

    I only ever needed help with the heavy couch, but when you don’t have a husband, you can just ask your father or cook dinner or lunch for a male friend, and he can help. But everything else, I’ve always done on my own. ?

  53. I have adhd.

    You are not a clean freak.

    Tell him to get his adhd treated and get his shit together or you're done.

    Adhd is a reason why a lot of these things are happening, but it's not a good enough excuse to not try to stop them happening. He's about to be a father, ffs! He needs to sort himself out and at least TRY to do better.

    He needs to take responsibility for his own tasks and actually follow through on doing them. He needs to set himself reminders and routines and find strategies that help him do things without waiting for you to prompt him. He's putting too much of the burden of the household on you, and it's going to ruin your relationship completely if he doesn't wake up and change.

    Normal strategies and “just do the thing” probably won't work for him, but he needs to find things that do.

    Let him know you understand he's not going to be perfect straight away, but that you expect him to be making an effort and trying to do better. If he doesn't, you'll be better off as a single parent, cause then you'll only have one infant to clean up after.

  54. I have adhd.

    You are not a clean freak.

    Tell him to get his adhd treated and get his shit together or you're done.

    Adhd is a reason why a lot of these things are happening, but it's not a good enough excuse to not try to stop them happening. He's about to be a father, ffs! He needs to sort himself out and at least TRY to do better.

    He needs to take responsibility for his own tasks and actually follow through on doing them. He needs to set himself reminders and routines and find strategies that help him do things without waiting for you to prompt him. He's putting too much of the burden of the household on you, and it's going to ruin your relationship completely if he doesn't wake up and change.

    Normal strategies and “just do the thing” probably won't work for him, but he needs to find things that do.

    Let him know you understand he's not going to be perfect straight away, but that you expect him to be making an effort and trying to do better. If he doesn't, you'll be better off as a single parent, cause then you'll only have one infant to clean up after.

  55. You did enough. Stop beating yourself up about it. That’s what they want. You need to set boundaries. Not about your wife but about how your daughter can treat you and what she expects.

  56. There is no right or wrong answer to this. The two of you will have to decide together what the parameters are while you are living far apart.

    You may find that she also wants to be “exclusive”, or she may not want to be. Just talk to her.

  57. He’s probably overloaded at work, like myself.

    It’s getting close to 9pm on Friday and I’m still at the office, but I still get yelled at by the MIL for ‘not really caring about her son’.

    Have been here since 5am.

    It ain’t easy. Would say to give it the benefit of the doubt and if you can handle this kind of relationship then it would mean the world for your support because there’s so little of it in very hot times.

    It’s not like I ‘want’ it, and it’s not always fun, but with my profession, there isn’t much of a choice because the future quality of life depends on it.

  58. Who the f is this guy ?

    You be you….

    You are being too considerate too him. Nothing you need to adapt.

    He sounds like a guy who likes his own mirror.

    You can do much better

  59. A lot of people who haven't been taught the value of truth, will just keep doubling down on the lie the stronger you push. I don't think him admitting it is something you really need for any reason though I understand how you can't get over it. I can't deal with liers and lies myself.

  60. Thanks. My only doubt is that I haven't been able to really sense what she is thinking or feeling lately. I'll try to push for therapy and keep working towards moving closer. I worry if I try to hate to help she will end up leaving on her own. But ill try. Guess I'll post an update whenever a definitive answer happens.

  61. How tf does an 18 year old even end up getting in bed with a 37 year old

    Like what possessed you

    As far as advice goes, you shouldn't even be with this person in the first place, get out.

  62. I dated someone with bright purple hair a decade ago and still occasionally find it in random places. This person hasn't even lived within a thousand miles in like 5 years.

    If you think that's crazy, just wait until you move a stove or refrigerator sometime.

  63. You should not do things you don’t want to do.

    Break up. He needs to date a woman who likes what he likes, and you need to date a man that likes what you like.

    Don’t let anyone pressure you to do sexual things you don’t want.

  64. I just want to suggest bringing her a celebratory dessert as a small, inexpensive but special gesture. Go to a bakery, not a grocery store, and they will have a case of cupcakes, brownies, tarts etc. Pick 2 or 3 to share with her. It shows some extra effort, usually beautifully decorated and you can find some things in whatever your budget may be.

  65. She’s cheating. The only way to stay married is going to be some pretty intensive counseling and forgiveness and apologies and years of rebuilding trust.

    Or you get divorced.

    Anything halfway between those 2 options isn’t going to work out in the long run and you’ll be hurt again.

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