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angel_sensuellelive sex stripping with hd cam


24 thoughts on “angel_sensuellelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I tried the gym hard. Tried tennis majority of ladies where married in the club asked out the only 20s girl I played with and she stopped talking to me lol. Never thought of a book club.

  2. u/Most-Muted, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  3. Because he’s tried that’s why he’s thinking of breaking up now. And she literally said he supported her all throughout their relationship so idk where your getting that he never helped her. And she is the one who said that she has bad habits and didn’t put in the effort. I’m literally just going off what op has said in her post and I’m not just going to assume something because I feel like it.

    I’m not bad at reading the situation I’m just not assuming what the husband might be thinking. I don’t know him so I’d rather put my effort towards actually helping op with what she asked for instead of bashing her husband and telling her she can do better.

    Tbh I could care less about if they stay together or not but if op is asking for help on how to save her marriage I’m not gonna just tell her to break up. That’s not helpful at all

  4. u/WorriedCitron4758, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  5. OP, don’t contact her unless your lawyer or the police tell you to. You’re getting them involved to make the legal decisions and collect evidence to convict them.

    Get a lawyer and give them the evidence and then listen to them.

  6. I asked my her if she plans to wear it while he is around so he can see her in it, she told me she already sent him some pics of her wearing it.

    It calls for a divorce. If this wasn't obvious rage bait…

  7. I don’t wanna assume she’s cheating, buuuuut my dark side is v angy about that “ice cream with guy bff” situation…If that were my husband/wife I’d be furious

  8. Did he actually get the vasectomy? I've heard of guys going to get one but then backing out and telling their wives they actually did it.

  9. He’s probably posting the videos on amateur porn sites or swapping them with friends. And it could have been happening all along. I’d worry that there are videos of you out there. I’m so sorry you are dealing with this.

  10. I'd consult a lawyer regarding being responsible for that child. I feel for that child though, it's going to have all sorts of emotional damage from this. Shame on her mother for hiding this from you and the child.

    Legally, you may be required to provide support in some capacity. But morally and emotionally, I think it may do more harm than good for all parties involved.

  11. You can just tell him you don't want him to do it beside you.

    This seems like a pretty minor issue overall.

    I'm not sure why you'd want to know what was on his phone, that's pretty intrusive.

  12. Thank you all for your responses. He didn’t physically harm me and he’s going through depression. He needs help but won’t seek it and I don’t know how to help him. I feel guilty leaving him – he doesn’t have much family or a job right now.

  13. He’s great except for: 15 year age gap, no career goals, in fact, cannot hold a job down and relies on you for transportation because he has a DWI. There’s a reason women closer to him are dating him—he’s a loser.

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