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DaisyVibeslive sex stripping with hd cam


40 thoughts on “DaisyVibeslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I just want as many children as possible. If I could have hundreds of children, that would be amazing to me.

  2. I understand both sides. On one hand, is a bit much to get so upset by a random comment. On the other, you mentioned your boyfriend being extremely insecure about your possible feelings for an ex, and you comment about his life at random like it's nothing, regardless if you are keeping up with his life, it makes it seem like you are.

    When i started dating my current partner i was not over my ex. At all. He knew it, because he wasn't over his either. And we both agreed it was okey, because he loved each other, and speaking about our complicated feelings made us feel closer. But when i realized how much i was accidentally mentioning my ex.. i started feeling so guilty and just sad for myself. I didn't want my so to think that he was a replacement or holder (he is not at all that, i could not be happier, my ex was a nice fellow but a rotten partner).

    Truth is, this sub is always about being understanding and soothing to worried girls and is always the dude being toxic. Is very hypocritical.

    If you care about who you are dating, and you think he went overboard with the comment, talk about it. He probably feels very afraid of something that you find completely trivial. And sure, we can all make fun and say is “emasculating” to be insecure, but god damn, if he is supposed to be your friend, and not only your boyfriend why would it be such trouble to care a lil?

  3. Right?!? If he was “brave” enough to do it in front of witnesses the very first time wtf do you think he would do if you weren't? Run, far away.

  4. Lots of thoughts on this one. Considering age he may just not know what to do. Guys tend to be emotionally immature much much later into adulthood(sometimes for the entirety) due to the way men go about emotions in general. (Doesn’t mean it’s okay, just a problem for him to work on!)

    Or maybe he’s just an ass who doesn’t care ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    Also, just as everyone has pointed out, it’s YOUR car. If you need it RIGHT NOW, then he needs to drive home. He’s borrowing it, it’s not his.

    I want to gently suggest setting a hard boundary here. Its a pretty big deal for your boyfriend to treat YOUR car like it’s his.

  5. Hello /u/ThrowRApotato61,

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  6. OP please dump him right now. You need therapy to process your grief and any other negative feelings you have, and move on. Your pos BF is not worth your time.

  7. Hello /u/bbynsa,

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  10. I have a year and a half left on my Masters and then I am moving out. I have forgiven my dad for the hurt he caused me, but it is still really frustrating because he never actually acknowledged that what he did was hurtful to me.

  11. I'd say see it through for now just for your own sake so you can know you were the bigger person all along. And as soon as you know he's healthy, tell him you know and that she can help him recover because you won't be there. I will say for certain if you live together and are going to leave him, get the living situation sorted out before he leaves the hospital. If he dies, that's going to be a much more complicated situation.

  12. Yeah, I'm on JET currently and spoke 0 Japanese at the time I applied. While speaking Japanese will definitely improve your quality of life, it's definitely not a requirement and honestly a willingness to learn is the most important part, not your actual ability level.

    Tbh, people like OP's wife who's main goal is living in Japan and think Japanese ability is their ticket to getting in are the people mostly likely to get rejected. JET is a cultural exchange based teaching program. They want adaptable, flexible people who can represent their home country while teaching English for a few years, then go back home and maintain ties with Japan to improve bilateral relations between Japan and their country.

  13. I will ask my solicitor about that but I live in England so I doubt there'll be any cause for action against her.

  14. You sound full with resentment. Which for all I know can be totally valid. Please for the both of you just break up. It sounds overdue.

  15. No this is not disrespectful behavior. The joke they made was disrespectful to her, but nothing about this is disrespectful to you.

  16. If you want to really surprise him? Choose yourself instead of waiting for him to change. You need to make the change happen in your life! Start by dropped 100+lbs of dead weight in your life, this M32 waste of space!

    Focus on yourself and your hobbies. Fall in love with yourself again! Don’t let this persons opinion of you make you delay!

  17. This reads like something already happened between them and now bf is retroactively getting your ok to continue what began as cheating.

    Red flags include they've been flirting in front of you for months, your friends assume they are hooking up based on how they are when you aren't around and the only person he's interested in opening the relationship up for is her. Plus he discussed your relationship with her first. It seems like she is his priority right now, not you.

    Sorry. You have to either keep it closed for your sanity, open it for his, or end it for you both.

  18. You yourself said she got suspicious last time. If you think this is in your control, you are mistaken. And again, your affair partner can tell her too

  19. Don't worry about your height, as long as you can submit her in the octagon, she'll respect you for sure

  20. Yeah I get what your saying. 52% of the UK do t consider kissing as cheating

    I wasn’t going to say that, I don’t really feel that bad for the guy tbh. People who are happy don’t look outside there relationship. They might not be right for each other and all is fair and love war!

    I have had many many hours of therapy and a life coach, it’s hard to ever be ‘fixed’ but I’m in a much better place, so you were/are right

  21. i like to stay in my lane and not involve my self in any of my friends businesses .. i suggest y’all do the same . seems like a pointless discussion you and your wife are having . because end of day .. y’all can’t do a damn thing about it .

  22. The Airbnb in June was booked by the sister having the baby. She wasn’t sure who was going and she probably thought it would be just my parents. I felt bad about May so I told her we would try and make it. Then I found out that my other sister and her husband were going. And then I realized at that point there wasn’t really room for us. I suggested that we could get a hotel or an Airbnb for ourselves. He didn’t seem fond of that, he didn’t really seem excited about the whole trip in general. That’s when I suggested just going alone. I told him I understood that it might be too much money with boarding the dogs and all. I just didn’t want to inconvenience him.

  23. You give him a very specific end date and you do it in writing. And you book a lock-smith for that end date, then locks get changed and he can't get back in.

  24. Yall be giving too much excuses for women. If I hung out with a friend group that was largely female and fucked 80% of the women in that group and continued to do so I would at least give a heads up early on in the relationship and have a discussion.

    She should have given him a heads up and the lack of transparency should be cause for alarm. Now whenever she hangs with them he might have an appropriate level of insecurity. It would be wrong of him to tell her to end all of her friendships for him so him breaking up for his own peace of mind might actually be the best bet.

    She should have been transparent to prevent this situation, but she felt entitled to a relationship and therefore decided to lie by omission.

  25. I was married for 18 years. I respected my ex-husband enough to not be constantly alone with the other sex in hotel rooms and cars. There is no reason for it. Your wife likes male attention. Divorce. She lies. She lied for years and kept you in a marriage when she cheated before marriage. You know why? Cus this woman has no problems lying to your face for years about who she is. She wants to go to therapy and quit drinking just when caught? That never works.

  26. Honestly? Its probably just easier to find a guy to give you one on the down low on your way home from work.

  27. This guy has no redeeming features. Why are you dragging this out? You need someone who will support you through thick and thin, not chastise you like a child and offer no support.

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