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dirty_girl23live sex stripping with hd cam


23 thoughts on “dirty_girl23live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I feel like it was grooming – and she has had previous trauma in her family life, so I can see how it would've been easy for her to be taken advantage of by someone trusted. That's why I'm even considering the possibility of staying with her – I really don't blame her as much as if she'd made a decision to do it without being taken advantage of like that. That's my thoughts anyway, I may be wrong.

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  4. Ditch the psycho and get extensions if you can. Fuck him, seriously. Shave the middle of his head while he’s asleep and see how he feels (don’t actually do this, it’s assault)

  5. It’s your preference. I apologize for calling it odd.

    My grandparents were 17 and 24 when they got married. I never saw it as a problem because they really looked after each other.

  6. I don't particularly love the idea myself. I am pregnant. But I have an amazing partner who is incredibly loving and supportive. This man will use the child to keep her trapped. He's already doing it!

  7. Go nuclear. I think he is enjoying this, he is enjoying knowing you don’t like the smell, he enjoys the humiliation of your guests judging you for his poop, he enjoys you being the poop fairy. Otherwise, why would anyone keep doing something that upsets and inconveniences their partner?

  8. Depends where you're from. It's a big thing in Eastern Europe, to the point of getting flowers and presents for your girlfriend.

  9. He sexually assaulted you. It is sexual assault since you did not consent to anal sex, and he knew that.

    You are NOT too loose. It is more likely that he has a “death grip” issue from too much masturbation while watching porn.

    He’s gaslighting you by saying you aren’t tight enough to cover up his own sexual dysfunction. There is nothing wrong with you. And it is inexcusable that he assaulted you. Consent is an important part of a healthy sex life, and you should feel empowered to say no to any sex act that you don’t enjoy.

  10. “Your” gf is getting her back break by that dude, you already know. Let her go, your relationship already died by the time she cheated the first time

  11. It's a big “depending” though. They're married, so they've probably known each other for a while. If they've known each other for 4 years, it's really questionable. If it's longer than 4 years, it's REALLY questionable.

    But regardless, being in your 20's with a person you love and having ED is a sign of a major problem. He should be seeing a doctor and probably a therapist

  12. “I know this means we're not compatible”… What are you on about? What a load of nonsense.

    For real. Imagine caring so much about a harmless hobby another adult does for fun. Oh no, she reads light romance novels! The shame.

  13. Things will go wrong if you say Yes to this idea of his. Nothing will go wrong if you say No except that he may have a bruised ego because he is an idiot for even suggesting this in the first place.

  14. If not having sex significantly negatively impacts your mental health then I’m sorry to be the one to tell you but that is an issue.

  15. That is a really, really stupid rule!! Why would you not date women that you like? Please, explain it to me because it makes no sense whatsoever.

    I strongly suggest you look into some serious therapy because this sounds drastically abnormal. I don't know what the issues might be, but they aren't healthy and they are keeping you isolated and alone.

  16. That's fair, and it does suck, especially if she's going to therapy and trying her best. Unfortunately, if the libido isn't there for her, there's nothing you can do to change that. The question is as above then: What is more important to you? Her, or having sex with her? If it's the first, stay and find a way to make it work. It's a very touchy subject but if you're in a good place, there might even be the option of getting purely physical sex elsewhere, if it's important to you, because your needs do matter. But there's only a small chance she'd be okay with that, so it's better to just look at the question as “Can I online life without her, or without sex”.

  17. No decent 40 something would enter a relationship with someone in their 20s. As a 40 something myself, the idea of being romantically involved with someone easily young enough to be my child is horrifying. Even by your own description, which I’m guessing you’ve written in the most positive light you can, is a minefield of red flags. Don’t let this man waste another minute if your time. Leave.

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