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Erik and Alice the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Erik and Alice, y.o.


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Live Live Sex Chat rooms Erik and Alice

Erik and Alice online sex chat

Date: September 19, 2022

3 thoughts on “Erik and Alice the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I don’t know what advice you’re looking for. I also don’t understand why you’d get back with someone who ghosted you for months and then accused you of cheating. Like clearly you realize you could be happy out there with a well adjusted man.

    He hasn’t dealt with his past relationship trauma and is now acting up and is afraid of commitment and intimacy. Whoever asked you to be patient with his is a bad friend to you, because it’s not your job to fix him. There’s the whole field of therapy for that. And it’s his job to make sure he has dealt with it before getting involved with another person. When he neglects to do that and his partner tries to be patient with him, you end up with the situation that you’re exactly in right now.

    Don’t spend any more of your time on this man, invest it in you and on having a new connection

  2. Well I don't think 8 years is a big difference my parents have a 12 year difference and are being together for a very long time and basically her parents exactly the same. I don't think that age is a good measure of someone being mature or developed I think that experiences and how your parents raised you are much more. Thanks about the cancer thing but saying I would end up in prison is a little over the top in my opinion but sure it is your opinion and we don't know each other personally. I accept your comment but I don't really agree with it

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