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Eva the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


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Eva live sex chat

Date: October 5, 2022

52 thoughts on “Eva the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I cheated with my mirror so many times..

    Your bf is an idiot lol tell him to grow up. Maybe he is jealous that he wasn’t part of show and tell…

  2. Ok, after a couple minutes, I realize that this is probably constructive criticim. I'm in the thick of it so can you break it down for me?

  3. It’s obvious to me that i’m more mature but i can’t sit here & list out all the reasons i believe that. Age ≠ Level of maturity but i have experienced things, healed & learned so much about myself & life in 6 years.

    This was actually in my notes for a few days before i decided to post it so you are correct in saying i hadn’t fully reflected on my feelings & that’s probably why i was so conflicted on how to handle the situation.

    He definitely deserved better than 15 year old me & i’ll be the first one to admit that but i can’t say i believe he deserves better than who i am today. Nevertheless, thank you for your opinion & i will definitely keep it in mind.

  4. Me and my girlfriend have been together 5 years and I have never posted her once, not because I don’t love her, or think she’s beautiful. But because in my experiences everyone on social media isn’t really your friend, so to avoid any type of drama, unwanted ex or thirsty Acquaintances trying to slide into her dms, I keep that off of social media. My close friends and family know her and that she’s important to me because of how I act when she’s around or how I speak of her when she’s not. So I don’t feel like I need validation from social media. It has nothing to do with, being ashamed of her or (a accusation I heard before) being scared to lose your “hoes”. It’s more of a, she’s my special someone that I want to keep to myself I hope this helps

  5. This because I just don’t believe him in all honesty. It sound like he is taking advantage of you knowingly and blaming it on you.

  6. He's honestly a good person and always means well but he just hasn't been able to fulfill even his own expectations. I wish he didn't have to suffer, and I've tried to get him to learn in every other way possible, but it hasn't worked

  7. I don't want to be blunt about it.

    Why not??

    Just text him and say that you do not want to see him again, then block him completely. Poof. It's over.

  8. Thank you for advice in your last paragraph. Yes the person I’m exploring is one a couple fwb type situation without all the pressure and expectation of looking for the one. We’re having sex and hanging out but we both have other action going on. Whereas my ex and I have actual history. When I saw the note I was a little thrown off because I didn’t want the other person to see it or my response. But I’m a romantic and thought it was pretty sweet. My ex normally never went all out like that before.

  9. Sounds like he’s just rather do something casual with someone where there’s no history and it’s easier to be clinical, makes sense to me

  10. Being raped is never cheating and you really need to get away from these awful people.

    If boyfriend had an ounce of self awareness he’d know that part of why you wouldn’t tell him is because he doesn’t show any care towards you. He only cares in relation to himself.

  11. One thing Reddit taught me is you tell your husband immediately because if he finds out from his brother first it won’t look good. Plus the BIL can lie. If you don’t tell him you are basically telling your BIL that this is acceptable behavior and he might do it again.

  12. Then why are you asking for strangers to comment on Reddit at all about this situation? Just talk to your therapist.

  13. I didn't say I didn't want to have sex with my guy friend or consider a relationship with him, that's the problem with it. I'm just utterly confusing myself. I don't know what I want I just know I want and what I want isn't here anymore.

  14. Thankyou, I'm in the UK, have spoken to my parents & me & little one can stay with them until his free childcare kicks in so I can save to buy a house.

  15. Telling anyone who is giving you advice, on a subreddit you chose to post in asking for advice, to ‘calm down’ is very immature.

    The person you are replying to is giving you sensible advice that you clearly don’t want to hear.

    Don’t patronise the messenger.

  16. This sounds totally co-dependent and he sounds like an AH that love bombs you and then brings you down a peg. You just want to be loved by someone. Know your worth girl. Learn to love yourself first, and then find someone that will love you for you. It will do wonders for your mental health!

  17. I think there are also several other potential explanations. Truly being upset out of no where about some chips would be unreasonable, but that's also probably not the heart of the issue. Has she mentioned how those are her favorite, or she has a naked time finding them? Or she asks what kind of snacks you want from the store and you say “none, I'm on a diet just shop for you” and then eat a half bag of hers. I have a feeling she did not get this upset over a single instance of him eating half a bag of cheetos. It probably stems from a deeper issue that either she hasn't spoken up about or he isn't taking seriously.

  18. she was constantly seeing other guy and sleeping at his place. The father had a reasonable doubt about the kids' paternity.

  19. He doesn't. The day you bring home a Muslim is when he changes it to Jews and then to Catholics etc etc. He's a controlling bigot and an asshole. Talk to your school about financial aid.

  20. You are a controlling ass to Cody and a pathetic doormat for your friend. You deserve whatever negative happens in this situation because you are just not a good person.

  21. You're going to have to cook separately, and visit restaurants by yourself/with friends instead.

  22. im a trans person of color and this is definitely break up worthy. our human rights are real and its not an illness

  23. OP, I know you said you've discussed this with him in the past. If you're not comfortable breaking up just yet you could give him an ultimatum. I hate ultimatums in relationships but at this point it seems necessary. Tell him that his weaponized incompetence is no longer an option in this relationship. Set clear boundaries about this, clear expectations, clear consequences and say these new boundaries start immediately and then stick to it all. Explain you will no longer be his mommy for him and if he can't handle taking care of himself like the adult he is supposed to be now he will end up taking care of himself anyway when you leave him. I can't stand when men do this it is so utterly exhausting.

  24. no shit sherlock. i’ve dealt with emotionally manipulative people my whole life and creeps aren’t anything new either. thing is they usually think they can get control over you and i am fiercely emotionally and financially dependent, even if i can’t sustain myself i will put myself through immense hardship before entirely relying on another person. i was prepared to on-line in my car before i was prepared to return home because i don’t want to rely on anyone, not even my own mother. i’m not in lala land, i am aware that this is a risky situation and i’m looking for any signs of it turning dangerous and at that point i’m bailing. this is a long distance relationship and it will stay like that for as long as it needs to

  25. This time. Stop your enablement and justifications. You obviously didn't learn your lesson the first time around. This is what happens when you don't do self work and seek therapy after traumatic relationship. You repeat behaviors.

  26. Why didn’t you mention you have a kid? Or that you’ve only been one one date with this guy you don’t even know?

  27. Why are you protecting him? TELL THEM WHY YOU LEFT. By keeping quiet you are just allowing him to go on being the same way, with the next woman, and the next, and the next. Do you want to be responsible for that when you could/should have warned people? Why allow him all the power?

  28. My thoughts exactly. I am doubting that the co workers had this private pow wow with her where they roasted him like that. She sounds like a real trouble maker to me.

  29. No you are absolutely not in the wrong or shallow for this. You shouldn't have to take care of your partner like you're their mother, you should both be cleaning your shared home and he should definitely be keeping up with hygiene better. He is supposed to be your partner.

    You need to break up with him, because you will grow to resent him otherwise.

  30. Well, if you scroll through this sub or if you’ve ever cohabitated before, the key things people tend to struggle with when they on-line together are:

    1) division of labor for household chores, cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc.

    2) quality of the above.

    3) finances and splitting of shared costs.

    4) protocol for having guests or going out/coming home after a solo/friend activity—like coming home at 4am vs midnight.

    5) Amount of alone time.

    Being “comfortable” is honestly the least of things. Sure, you can see if there’s a way to fit his fave recliner into the space or maybe he has a painting he likes. But generally “comfort” is more about being aligned and feeling like a team vs adversaries or like one of you is parenting the other.

    If your BF hasn’t lived on his own before and is used to mommy doing everything for him then 1 & 2 could be a good focus area. I’ve known men his age who don’t even know how to do their own laundry or boil water.

    What works for us as far as expenses is that we pay for shared expenses (mortgage, utilities, etc) based on % of total income. As I make a lot more, I pay more and I also cover all the groceries, vacays, etc.

    My parent does his own laundry.

    I cook 4 days a week, he cooks 3 and/or we have leftovers. (I like to cook)

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