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InkedBiitchlive sex stripping with hd cam


2 thoughts on “InkedBiitchlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. She's not at all comfortable with her past and is obviously highly sensitive to the point of going on the offensive. Unfortunately this now includes using you.

    She expected you to instigate a violent encounter, with all of the unknowns in skill, numbers and weapons. That's a good place to start a conversation with her, that this wouldn't have been a hollywood or schoolyard fight. Next would be to ask her to speak to someone about her evangelical need to broadcast her past, one that's she's obviously not reconciled with.

    Agree to boundaries on her need to broadcast this topic. Get her to seek help. And if she's unwilling to do anything and feels attacked, then you have no choice but to move on.

  2. I surely broke her heart. And I feel like she is not the right person for me. But this keeps happening with other girls as well.

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