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jenna_sommersjlive sex stripping with hd cam


45 thoughts on “jenna_sommersjlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I agree at telling her will make her suffer more and thats a thing i dont want to happen and i wont let that happen. But im sure i love her as my friend (in a platonic way AND in a romantic one) i dont define love as you do and thats okay everything is always depending on the perspective. I know her for 20 years and i know myself even longer and i can say with all certainty im in love with her and im not confused at that point i had more than enough time to sort my feelings out.

    But recognizing it doesnt change anything, i will support her and give her the best time in her life through her marriage with her best friend and maid of honor by her side and after that i deal with myself …therapy seems extrem but maybe its necessary time will tell

  2. Yes you are too young for him. It’s really creepy for an 38 years old to date a 23 young girl. How old were you when you guys got together?

  3. Break up and move on. You're lucky you found out at 3 months.

    There are posts here like every week about arranged marriages where the person didn't find out for years and/or the person getting the arranged marriage would just keep leading them on, over and over, promising to stand up against the tradition.

  4. There's many silly posts and questions, that also encourages trolls to come.

    “I broke my arm, now what should I do?” Like they don't have common sense or can't think.

  5. It's shitty because he could have gotten a plushy and a pretty card.

    I don't understand people who say “I couldn't think of anything.” Like my partner has gotten me some bad gifts, but I know why they got then and his reasoning, so I was perfectly happy with them LOL

  6. No offense but you are basically asking him to read your mind. You say you’ve talked about how getting gifts isn’t required, and then when you suspect he’s going to get a gift you get bitter and say “don’t bother”. I know you’re resentful to the ongoing decline of his efforts, but not communicating or snapping when he’s going to try to do something isn’t going to encourage him to try any harder.

    To me it sounds like you have communication issues. If you’re bothered you need to say it and stand by it. If he struggles you need to talk about what could make it easier. Is it a list? Okay, you don’t like giving lists, but what about general categories of gifts? I think your stance on the list is a bit extreme. Or how about suggesting ways he can think of gifts on his own? I let my bf know that I have a running list in my phone where I write anything down he mentions in passing as thinking is cool or wanting. Then I have lots to choose from when the time comes. He’s started doing the same and hasn’t needed any suggestions since.

  7. Hello /u/britishbread20,

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  8. How much of it was in his phone? Was it a lot in his search history?? If it was then the simple explanation for that is he's looking at gay porn.

  9. Hello /u/ThrowRA25524545,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  10. You’re overthinking it OP. Take a minute. Women are not the same as men. We are not turned on like men are by visual stimulants.

  11. All utilities get moved into his name effective your move out date. Storage gets moved into his name at the same time. Your name is taken off everything but the lease, and make sure you put it in writing that you are not renewing at the end of your lease.

    Him having a bed or any of that extra stuff falls into a “His problem” bucket. Don't worry about those things.

  12. To make sure the asshole doesn't ever contact you again, you block HIM on everything.

    Doesn't matter who did what or who gave consent for what. It's over now, stop obsessing about why he did what he did. You'll never understand because your brain works differently than his. Just say lesson learned… and move on.

  13. His mental health is okay as far as I can tell, never really seen any signs of anything in the 6+ years we’ve been together

  14. Yeah but still. Fuq her. She can't be allowed to keep it after the shit ahe pulled. Take or market it. She needs to lose.

  15. Be very patient with her transition away from you, help her out however you can, and be as kind as possible.

    And admit to her you're kind of a dick to do this now that you're feeling better.

  16. He should tell something about you to his friends in revenge

    That was a joke. You know he'd never do it.

    I guess at this point there is no way to undo it. Apologize, tell him that's how girls work and promise you never do it again. Also you friend owes you a talk for bringing it up, she's either very stupid or has some ill intentions.

  17. What? i am just giving you more details, cannot tell the story of several years in a few paragraphs, and am inherently biased in what I choose to include or not… so trying to lessen that by offering a broader view. He does not necessarily “yell” but scold me in an aggressive manner. Kinda same difference. Whatever, have a great day…

  18. She cheated and most likely has been feeling this way for a long time. I think your wife has more of a desire for women then what you know. I’m concerned for you 10 years from now she will be posting in the latebloomerlesbian sub. You really need to have a heart to heart with her and see if you can or want to stay with her based on her actions. If you stay with her watch if the intimacy starts to slow down or becomes a dead bedroom. I’m sorry

  19. You can do plenty of things to on-line your life that doesn't cost additional money.

    And yes, you can focus on payment plans with regular debts. Not credit cards. That's how you get stuck in a cycle of debt. Credit cards will continuously charge you high percentages every month. Loans and other forms of mid/low interest debt it's fine to go out and do some things with a small fun budget. Not credit card debt.

    This girl is working, studying for the MCAT, and carrying her entire relationship and household on her back, she's allowed to have fun once in a while.

    And she should be smart enough from doing all those things to know that the credit card should be paid first.

    Please stop advising people to damage their financial health and not be able to have fun outside capitalist things. People are smart enough to have fun without spending money. Don't think so little of them to believe they can't.

  20. OP, tell your GF you don't care about her feeling except as much as you want to continue having access to your kids and this jeopardizes that. Additionally, tell her that she should care about your feelings, which get hurt when someone screams at and berates you, which is why it would be better to avoid it.

    Your GF seems almost jealous, which is kind of ridiculous really, but give it one good try to make her understand. Tell your GF that friendliness and conflict-avoidance with your ex is your job for as long as you are co-parenting minors and she should look at it as a type of “customer service” voice. If your GF continues to show jealousy towards your ex, just break up. It's a toxic, immature mindset when someone is jealous of a coparent when all you are doing is trying to avoid unnecessary drama.

  21. Hi OP. When your husband says counseling “won’t change the inevitable,” what does he mean exactly? Divorce?

  22. agreed. at 20 years old I was dating a guy who had a ocean view home in Malibu and he would clap his hands and the curtains would open. remarkable home….

    I was also dating a guy who could only afford to park his car on a mountain and watch the stars with me.

    who did I love more? the one who could only afford to literally chill in the dirt with me. I was so happy and grateful to be next to him doing the of simplest things.

    This girl is not genuine. Her only interests are of material gain. You need to leave her now.

    Focus on yourself, school, and you will meet the right girl for you soon. You will also have less stress given you will have money to actually eat.

    The fact that she doesn’t care about you down to your necessities and is willing and wanting to stretch you thin and drain you dry with absolutely no empathy or consideration for you as a human being who needs to survive is absolutely wild. That’s a sociopath right there. You need to love yourself and back yourself…you can do soooooo much better and you will see that soon enough after letting her go.

  23. Kick a door stop under the door if you enter a room and don’t have a lock or can’t install one since it’s not your place.

  24. He’s allowed to change his mind but it’s seems to me that he didn’t—he just wants to avoid conflict with his family.

    So name aside….is he enmeshed with his family and letting them call the shots in other things too? Is this going to be an ongoing issue? Like they get to dictate where you online, if you have kids, what car you can drive and he just rolls over?

    That’s what I would be discussing because marrying someone who does whatever their family wants is not much fun.

  25. How are the interest rates there? It if they keep going up, it might be better to wait for a while and see what happens, giving him time to save.

  26. It sounds like he has commitment issues, and honestly if I had a partner's mom trying to guarantee my career I would feel extremely uncomfortable. Perhaps the real reason is that he's been having second thoughts about your relationship and is trying to map that out on his own, or he's made another pivot about what he wants career wise. Honestly this conversation was bound to come up eventually it seems; trying to break up with someone after 3 years can feel daunting and I imagine maybe he was trying to line his ducks up quietly so when the move would happen you have your savings he has his and you both go separate ways. Whatever the reason is, only he can answer but those are possibilities to prepare for.

  27. Not because of the six years, a 28 year old dating a 34 year old is totally fine, but at the time, at least to me, a 26 year old man pursuing a relationship with a 20 year old is problematic. He could’ve taken advantage of your lack of experience and naivety, but that’s for you to analyze depending on how the relationship developed.

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