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JuliaVilnetlive sex stripping with hd cam


49 thoughts on “JuliaVilnetlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I relate to you here. I once had 6 years of beautiful relationship and then it all crashes one day when he said he doesn’t love me anymore out of a sudden. All the best to both of us I guess

  2. To answer your question; no, telling her will be confronting and painful. But it's a conversation that needs to be had.

    I used to smoke and hindsight I wish someone had the guts to address the smell, bacause I really had no idea how bad it was untill I quit, and I'm still a tad ashamed about how I and my house used to smell

  3. They should apologize to my gf, for wanting to have sex in the room where she was supposed to study, and for wanting to kick her out.

  4. Many people have never been helped by medication and think they are just there to make money. In the past the media has really cast the industry in a bad light. So, don’t fault them.

    I personally know the struggles of the people who developed the first antidepressants and the challenges they had overcoming this attitude it took a lot of marketing back in the 90s when they were new to get people to accept them. Now that these medications are widely prescribed and accepted I would just be patient with those who don’t understand them.

  5. well from whay OP wrote she said he is just upset she forgot his birthday, hes not making a big deal hes upset she forgot it, which is expected if your partner forgets something thats important to you. Forgetting your partners birthday isnt a “normal mistake” its not something people do often which is why when it happens people get upset about it. So should he have no emotion at all about his partner forgetting something thats important to him? Right men cant be upset about shit this is reddit and men are told to show emotion till they do then are judged and told to man up

  6. This and more on these times were having a good date or even the chance of getting into a relationship as a man is so damm hard

  7. Make sure you have all of the legalities airtight. You don't want to build this adorable family with super supportive girlfriend only to have bio mom pop back in whenever. Hopefully she is terminating her rights?

  8. Hello /u/erik4life,

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  9. Yeah if my wife was thinking short term only, I would 100% want a divorce, because clearly we aren't on the same page. Marriage and short term don't really work together.

  10. A foot care date? That's the most snowflake way of dealing with stinky feet I've ever heard of. Op just needs a shower ffs.

  11. Cut them off.

    Invest in someone invested in you.

    Did any of them actually become your GF? You seem to have no idea why it ended. How can you know so little and expect to keep a relationship?

    You have multiple relationships and still have no information beyond broken assumptions. You need to think more about it. Maybe talk to a therapist or someone more knowledgeable about women. See what pattern you are missing.

  12. Love is not enough of a reason to stay in a situation that is causing you pain. You deserve more than that.

    I know there's a romantic notion in western culture about your first love, and highschool sweethearts, and you and me against the world… But it's all bullshit.

    Break up with her. Call the police after you do so. Tell your parents what's going on. Then go to post secondary and go online your life!!

  13. Everything is happening under the assumption he is the father, when a paternity test hasn’t been done. No decisions need to be made until it gets done

  14. If she knew him enough to be obsessed with him like op said, he knew exactly who she is when he put his dick in her.

    That’s even IF she is as crazy as the new girlfriend(op) was told she is. He could very well have been screwing around with this girl and ran to another state when he found out she got preggers.

  15. You don't need a reason to get your own money back.

    Demand it back and tell her that it's not acceptable for her to feel entitled to your money.

    She's probably going to have a problem with it because she's never learned what it's like to earn her own money but that's her own obstacle to overcome.

    There's being understanding and then there's being a pushover, asking for it back should have been enough.

  16. This is why they say if you ask out a friend you're jeopardizing your friendship. Your bfs feelings are valid and normal.

  17. Your boyfriend is an alcoholic. And in denial at that. If he's not willing to admit there's a problem and do something about it there's nothing you can do. You have two choices: online with an alcoholic or move on and find a better partner. You're young so there's zero reason to stick with someone who is not working out for you. And whatever you do DO NOT have a baby with this man.

  18. She might think this is some complicated courtship thing. If you want/wanted her to do something different, you could have specified what you wanted. It would be awkward to tell her you've lost interest now, but if that's true you should probably tell her. This would probaby end the friendship, though.

  19. I had a lawyer and had started the divorce but we ended up talking and realized that we still loved each other and needed to fix our problems for our kids sake this is currently the only one that we’re still fighting over

  20. Let me say upfront that I am married to a CSA survivor. You need to be very concerned that neither one of them see this as a boundary violation, because it is. Supporting her is one thing, but this is not it. This is enabling poor behavior and it will destroy your life. I made these same mistakes thinking that I could love, support, help and work with her to relieve her pain. It's impossible if she can't or won't do the work. I have a lot more that I could say but won't. You can reach out directly if you'd like.

  21. According to the post they have already had threesome with a guy and a girl so presumably he's seen another man with his wife already? What changed since then?

  22. So he went from being an abusive, ass hole drunk to being an abusive, ass hole recovering alcoholic. You’ve sacrificed enough of your life for this waste of skin. Drop a ton of weight easily by dumping him and moving on.

  23. Death is very different than a breakup.

    If this was a story about a dude crying over his ex, people would be saying he's not over her, and he's not ready for a relationship.

    Yet instead there are comments up to and including comparisons to a partner who died – in order to justify OP's gf crying over another guy who's moved on

  24. She’s got dollar signs kerchinging in her eyes and now she’s mapping out your future for you. And you don’t need to figure out what to with your money, she’ll take care of that pesky little issue.

    You’re a lottery win to her now.

  25. somehow you've managed to make yourself the victim here although on the plus side your DNA would be under her finger nails …

  26. Yes, some people say they were able to work through it but it has permanently altered your relationship and not for the better.

  27. usually I try to avoid lying about how I feel, but if I try to sit and be vulnerable with him about how his behavior or the stress in relationship is effecting me he will shoot it down. So I often times will lie and say something entirely different to avoid trying to get him to be open with me or try to even understand. I tend to be emotional by nature so I’ll either overreact or just play it off as it doesn’t bother me. Which many cases a lot of things between us bother me. And it frustrates me either way. Because if I tell the truth he will tell me I sound “childish” and that “your reasons for these feelings are so stupid and annoying” however if I lie I disappoint him further and make the situation 1000x worse as you said.

    I agree with you that it isn’t healthy to lie. I’m not satisfied nor any happier after doing it. I genuinely don’t know any way to confront him on not pushing my feelings down and out so I don’t feel the need to fake how I feel or why I do as a reaction to his behavior.

    I’m mostly anxious about this possibly being an untrue or undeserved relationship. Our relationship was pretty healthy beyond minor disagreements. This was up until I had a miscarriage around early January. After that there was an increase of belittling my constant need for comfort and help. Not only that as we prepared to move in together I was unfinancially stable as I was trying to leave an abusive household with very little in my hands. He told me he was okay with that and understood what was going on. so he paid money for our lease upfront for 12months. He has thrown it in my face quite often that he paid for everything in our place and that I’m “unreliable”. When we first got here he told me it was okay. It just makes me feel like I’m not doing anything even though the job I have (it’s not paying me enough even though I work on military base) barely covers the bills we have.

    Now to answer your questions. His hobbies mostly consist of Discord and Gaming. I say this as he spends almost all day at the desk. as soon as we wakes up till we are going to bed, he is texting the group, in the call with the group, gaming with the group, the man even showers and shits with the group. I usually have to beg him to come spend time with me as it gets lonely sitting there after I get off work alone or just taking a nap to bypass my time. I have a job while he doesn’t. He hasn’t made an effort to work since we moved in here in September. He felt it wasn’t necessary but demanded I got a job to pay him back half the rent he paid down. We argued two days ago that he should have been working to save us the financial stress, but in his eyes he still feels it isn’t needed. He was going to wait till the lease was close to ending to work as we wouldn’t be able to stay unless we both are pulling income. he finally applied for a job but I don’t know when he starts.

  28. She told her mother who didn’t do anything wrong & she was blamed. So you have to understand her hesitation & feared the same reaction from her BF. I completely understand why she didn’t tell him

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