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LadyLolyPoplive sex stripping with hd cam


22 thoughts on “LadyLolyPoplive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I'm drunk whenever that happens. Plus he's a grown man anyways. I'm a women considering Men are genetically stronger a slap isn't gonna hurt him

  2. Apparently, some women have more of a responsive arousal and its only when you're being stimulated that you become aroused. Do you enjoy the sex when you're having it?

    Talk to your Doctor – but if you're on HRT I guess you already are. And maybe literally putting it on your calendar and in your daily schedule might help.

  3. This is her trying control you. Basically she gave you an impossible task and she shits on you when you can't fulfill it. It is sadistic is what it is. You should weight out whether your mental health is worth all the hoops she is making you jump through.

  4. Do you invite her to your things with family and friends?

    Texting is boring anyway. Call her to check up on her.

    It seems she wants to enjoy autonomy in the relationship, where she has her stuff going on and you yours. At least for a while. Do you got things going on in your life other than her? If not, you will suffocate her.

  5. So youve been in and off with this person since you were 16, have visibly seen time and time again signs that go beyond normal sinking relationships – you claim you don't bring it up because you think he'll get violent?

    She moves in and lays in your bed with him and you sit around doing fuck all?

    I'm sorry. Don't take this personally, if this is real (and that's a big IF) I have no sympathy for you. You've literally been letting this happen for years, how are you at all surprised?

    Idk the living arrangements, who pays for what, whose name is on the apartment/house – but your best bet is to get as far away from this situation as you can and let the Lannisters online happily ever after.

    Also I highly doubt this is real, but hey, that's reddit for you.

  6. Good luck being married to a perfectionist and possibly a narcissist – nothing is ever good enough for them and they'll always find fault in everything.

  7. Having “tamed” several ferals over the years, yes, cats absolutely do like being fed.

    But they also do not go from “I hate you and you threw things and scared me” to “sleeping in your lap” in a week or two.

    That kind of transformation takes months, if not years, especially in an adult cat. And it takes way more devotion and genuine love for the cat than boyfriend-who-gave-an-ultimatum is able to give.

  8. No offense but you need to find better therapists. It's obvious to me that you have some significant issues relating to others and that you need to deal with these outside of the porn issue.

    As far as your relationship goes, it started off badly and has only gone down since. You should end, immediately, but NOT take out your anger and frustration in doing so. Intensive therapy is needed to navigate this minefield.

  9. because we had our male friend that we’ve only known for a year come and my friend’s at-the-time boyfriend come

  10. There is no reason to be mean or bring me down. I’m feeling insecure and I’m hurting. I agree therapy would be of a lot of help in the long term but I’m hurting now and I’m asking for advise.

  11. You mentioned videos of them together. If the videos are sexual that is CP and should also be reported.

  12. Everyone gets stressed or crabby now and then. Just apologize for taking it out on him and ask him for patience while you go through a difficult time at work. Then try hot not to take it out on him anymore.

    Partners are supposed to support each other through these kinds of things.

  13. It’s a hot conversation to have because as the man in the situation it feels as if I’m in a lose lose. Either I speak my mind and come across as the prototypical “sex addicted dude” or I stay shut and suffer in silence. Thankfully I’ve brought it up before but the fact that I spoke my mind and no change came from it is beyond frustrating. Especially when I do so much for her to support her, it feels shitty to not get back what I need.

  14. Get ready for numerous minor confessions.

    Someone knows what happened between the two adulterers and have threatened them.

  15. Gonna have to take a look at his comment history. I posted my thoughts but that I read your post

  16. Number 1 is that if he's friends with a misogynist, he's also a misogynist. Number 2 is do you really want to be dating someone who's gonna keep complaining behind your back about every little thing? Knowing his friend is going to say even worse things about you? You want a partner who defends you, not one who invites his friends to shit talk you

  17. Dude, enough people have tried to convince you at this point and you keep arguing so just set a reminder for 5 years down the road to come back and reread your post and comments.

    • You’re not allowed to even come up to her and say hi when you see her out with her friends

    • She’s “always very skeptical” about you meeting her friends and her meeting yours

    • She’s claims she’s never been in a serious relationship before

    • She called you “creepy” for simply being in the same location as her and her friends, which you had no way of knowing, and immediately wanted to break up.

    She was never your girlfriend. At best, you were the side piece that almost blew up in her face if you had walked up and introduced yourself to her friends. Her actions and reaction screams “oh shit I’m about to get busted.” You’re not allowed to even speak to her when she’s with her friends because her fiends know her boyfriend, and it ain’t you.

  18. You misunderstand me I don't believe she is cheating, I don't know whether or not she is or isn't

    What bothers me it that how she seems to be approaching this situation with this coworker is how a lot of affairs start and it feels a bit weird to me that there is so much energy being put into OP's possible mistakes but hardly any in telling him he needs to communicate that he personally feels weird about how much time she is spending with this person.

    It's not so much people telling him not to tell his wife how he feels about that situation, but that hardly anyone IS. And that there is so much energy given to telling him he is being a bad selfish partner for adjusting to cooking more with hardly any acknowledgment of how not okay this situation of her and her coworker is, coupled with these comments of “if she's gonna cheat she's gonna cheat” all feels like people don't really care if OP's feeling regarding that situation. That her actions and how they are affecting him aren't even worth acknowledgement.

    It's not the pointing out he is a problem, it's the lack of pointing out she is as well. It feels almost like people don't think she's doing anything wrong in how she is connecting with this coworker, that's what bothers me.

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