Megan MY WISH LIST LOVENSE: https://www.lovense.com/wish-list/iyky8bp, 19 y.o.
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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Megan MY WISH LIST LOVENSE: https://www.lovense.com/wish-list/iyky8bp
Date: November 6, 2022
Here is what I will say. If he told you in the beginning he didn't want kids, you wouldn't have been with him. If this is important to you, then you need to find someone who wants what you want, and it's not him. If he had told you up front when he decided not to have kids, I would call it no harm, no foul people are allowed to change their mind. But you say that for YEARS he's turned it into a fight to avoid the topic. That means he knew. He knew he was never going to have children to you, and he lied to you and was hostile to you to try and bully you into accepting not having the conversation so he could keep getting what he wants from you without being honest. That's vile- your husband is a vile person for doing that, and so even if you were willing at this point, to not have kids, are you willing to stay with a vile person who lied and bullied you to steal your chance to have kids or to make an informed choice about the relationship?
“I'm on grindr for the drugs, cops would never check grindr”
Girl, he is fucking or trying to fuck other people – and those people are men, apparently.
Your boyfriend sucks. Be healthy and find someone who loves you for your health and every normal part of you. Do you want to on-line the rest of your life with a person who treats you like this? I hope not. Find a light in your life, not a wet blanket.
Date someone that is interested in the same lifestyle. You can’t change him and he’s not making you happy.
So what do you want advice on?