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MelodyX online sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 27, 2022

122 thoughts on “MelodyX online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Any alcohol/ substance abuse issues you were/ were not aware of? Any previous convictions/ history of violence you werent aware of?

  2. Here's the problem with modern dating. Was he wrong? 100% But as you said he apologized profusely. 6 weeks in the expectation that everyone acts perfect all the time is jsut unrealistic. If you like him, have a further discussion with him about it. See how he reacts. Also, keep a eye out for other signs that he may not respect your position.

    everyone on reddit thinks every comment or incident is a red flag or a reason to break up. we all have red flags, but our willingness to change and learn should also be considered.

  3. Maybe I’m projecting but if a piercing really breaks the relationship I may say the attraction is not that big from the start. Same goes for an haircut change or a tattoo.

    Anyway, you should always give explanation if you are ending a relationship. That’s a whole another topic. But claiming the eventuality of a break-up before she makes a decision that should be about fun and enjoying the body you online in sounds a bit too much.

  4. Thanks for your reply!

    A bit of backstory – They broke up 2 years ago, he had 20+ photos of her. After a month of us being official (we were dating for 6 months) I asked him why he still has the photos of her. He said “I had thought about deleting them because I wouldn’t like it if you had photos with your ex.” Annoyed me that he didn’t delete them by himself, and I had to ask. He deleted most of them, he kept 2 clear couple photos though and there’s still 4 group photos with friends. I brought it up again a week later, saying there’s still photos that are clearly couple pics. He deleted the one, the other one is them on a mountain where you can’t really see them but she’s tagged. Then there’s another one which is a bit blurry but is clearly them two and she’s also tagged. The group photos might be okay to keep, but there’s one where she’s taking the selfie of the group and it really stands out on his profile. I don’t know whether to bring those up again, because I’ve asked twice already and he kept some.

    Regarding the pics of me. He posted a story of us for my birthday, which she unfollowed him after and removed him as a follower. I’m glad he posted the story, but it only lasts 24 hours and that was over a month ago. We went on holiday a few weeks ago and he hasn’t posted anything of the holiday. I asked him if he’s going to post anything, he said “I don’t really use it anymore.” He posted last in April so I can see he doesn’t much, but he posted every single holiday he went on with his ex. I don’t want to seem crazy if I bring up the ex pics, but it’s bothering me a lot lately.

  5. So you told him you would like to see a change in behaviour, you got that but now your thinking hes cheating on you? He could be but its also possible that he listened to what you asked of him and is trying to be better for you. As for the female friend at work that could be a friend who he has asked for advice, it could just be a friend and he is only talking about her more because he isnt trying to hide her from you. If your concerned then talk to him, clearly he listens to your concerns and takes them to heart so talk

  6. Get him a few small things to even out the numbers. Like chocolates or a book. Honestly a gift card might be the best thing. Money is probably his biggest need. Does he have a bank account? Setting one up for him might be a big help

  7. Why do you want to leave?

    Is it something similar to a “mid life” crisis?

    You've been married for 10 years to a good man, and good husband. You have 2 children, who I assume you love.

    What more do you feel you can find outside of this situation?

  8. Listen. The fact is that if he is set on hurting himself, you cannot save him. If someone’s life is at risk any time you aren’t present or don’t do as they want or have any kind of emotionally charged conflict with them then they are fucked – you cannot be there constantly, you cannot be in a relationship in which you have to jump through hoops or they will die. You cannot be their sole support system. It doesn’t matter if you want to or feel responsible or like you have to try. You will fail. You cannot succeed. It is an impossible task.

    If someone is so unstable and such a risk to themself that your actions can make them a danger to you and to themself – threatening violence as well as suicide means they are a danger to you – then the only people who can help them are professionals.

    Call emergency services in his area. Send a wellness check to his house; ambulance and cops. Tell them he threatened you with violence and sent you a picture of his slit wrist and you are scared for him. They will get him the help he needs.

    Once you have sent the emergency services to him, you block him.

    The only way you can save his life at this point is to make sure he has to rely on those services and that he cannot be ‘set off’ by his emotional problems toward you. And be clear on that – it’s not your actions causing this, nor any positive feelings he might have had toward you. What’s making him consider hurting you or himself is emotional problems and obsessive and controlling impulses he is allowing himself to focus on you.

    You cannot save him. Nothing you do will ever be good enough. His demands will keep escalating until you can’t meet them and then he will hurt you and himself in the end anyway. Stopping the cycle now is the only way to protect you from him and him from himself. Be blunt with him: “if our relationship existing and not going exactly as you want is a risk to your life then the only thing I can do to protect you is end our relationship so you can find someone you don’t get this volatile about. Please use your mental health support to get through this. Goodbye.”

    Cut him out of your life. Nobody can be the sole reason someone else stays alive, especially when that someone is threatening to kill them – which threats of choking are. Choking is the number one indicator that a violent partner will escalate to murder. You are in danger. Protect yourself. Send the ambulance and cops and then end this relationship.

  9. I respect him, because he is all powerful, but doesn't just get rid of us all… Again ? but seriously, it takes a lot to wipe us out when some of us are so evil.

    Ps. The rainbow isn't a hate thing towards the LGBT, I feel like I should say that so I don't get scalped or something along those lines

  10. u/fullmoon_123, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  11. In a 3 year relationship. I was cheated on. I decided to forgive and work on the relationship. I did not cheat but I’ve done my own unfortunate fair share of hurting my partner in different ways.

    It’s extremely hot.

    I felt like I lost my entire self esteem, confidence, had self image issues, self sabotaged, was insecure to the 9s… everything bad. I had the weight of the world on me. I felt like the ugliest woman alive.

    I had an immense amount of resentment, I hated his actions, but not him. It takes time to heal through it.

    If your partner wishes to continue as well they have to understand that their consequence is going to have to experience times of maybe “too much reassurance” or feeling stonewalled sometimes, or getting the quiet version of you because what they did really strikes a cord in people.

    It took me a solid 6 months before I wasn’t having second thoughts about still being cheated on. They also had to prove to me they weren’t.

    It’s vulnerability, acceptance, reassurance, love and kindness.

    I wish you the best of luck in which ever direction you go.

  12. u/throwaway92_TA, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

    Please create a new account that starts with ThrowRA in the username and try again. Please note that we will not make exceptions to this rule.

    I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  13. The source for the search results is the OXFORD DICTIONARY… I am impressed with your complete ineptitude. Maybe some day you will learn to take on big tasks, like looking up the definitions of words to use them correctly. Hang in there champ… you’ll grow out of this petulant child phase someday.

  14. Sorry, I was trying to light heartedly say that you should break up with her and see other people. Maybe it didn’t come across well.

  15. I want to believe this. But I tried talking to her and all she said was “I saw you” and pretty much shut me out. I will bring it up again, but she should know I feel. Like we’re both college students and she isn’t uneducated by any means. I just don’t understand why she would think this or say this and I honestly felt something physically die inside of me when we talked. Like she really thinks I’m a pedophile for something I didn’t do

  16. At this age, I feel like it's past the point for games. If there's any hope of salvaging this, perhaps explain that the only way you can even consider continuing to talk to him is if you return to being exclusive. And if he won't… frankly it's time to leave. And follow through with not talking.

    I know you may not have the time and mental space to date someone new, but being single might be better than getting dragged around, and having all the uncertainty.

  17. Hello /u/samsara7361,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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    include details about the involved parties including ages, genders, and length of relationship, and

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    Please resubmit with a corrected title.

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  18. I’m explaining to you why you’re getting the responses you’re getting.

    You did not explain why this was an issue or give any real details to go off of.

  19. This sounds like narcissism. He always needs to be the center of your attention. And he doesn’t want to be the one taking care of you.

    I would break up. What if you developed a chronic illness? What about when you’re pregnant? This is not a supportive life partner, this is a man-child.

  20. Please don’t stay in a relationship where you expect someone’s unacceptable behavior to change. The way he treats you, coupled with blackout drinking, are choices HE makes. Having a respectful partner is a requirement. This guy is not the one. Forget couples therapy where you try to get him to “see the light”. Accept that he’s not right for you and move on. You mention a lot of toxic behavior here on both sides, individual therapy might be beneficial for you.

  21. He's essentially two people.

    It's just so frustrating that he could be so incredibly supportive sometimes and so selfish sometimes. There's no in-between.

    He also just gave me $11,000 to fix my house even though he needed the money because he didn't want me taking a loan and debt. He took the loan instead. We both had emergencies at the same time.


  22. Well, when I'm sick I really like having somebody around, it feels safer. I wouldn't be able to have fun knowing that my husband is at home alone and sick. But everyone is different, I guess…

  23. She’s literally licking on other men and avoiding you. Imagine a friend telling you the story you posted, what would you think?

  24. I mean clearly alcohol was the cause, you can ask him to not get drunk without you,or someone else he can really rely on, around. If this is how he becomes in general it might better if he agrees to not get drunk at all.

  25. BINGO. If he's not stopped today, and you know he's done this to other gals, tomorrow he could be emboldened to rape.

  26. He’s literally said things like the only person he cares about in life is me, literally begged me to forgive him, and we do have a wonderful relationship aside from this. He says the only reason he thinks he does it is for some kind of ridiculous validation.

  27. If she feels like a fish out of water where you guys are, can you guys send her back to South Asia, get her a place to stay over there closer to family, help pay for her monthly bills then visit occasionally with husband and your family?

    Totally know about this cultural issue. And yeah, my relationship with my parents can be considered 'toxic. But since my parents are older (much older than yours, OP), we've (my husband and I) decided that we want them to live! with us once they have to (right now, they'd rather not lol, they online in their own home, etc).

    Per my suggestion above, the reason I mention it is because my mother said she was considering going back 'home' to her home country (although she's not a citizen over there anymore) and online in one of those 'old homes'/apartments, she said, she's priced it and she thought she could afford it with her pension. If that's what she chooses, of course, we'll also supply her monthly living.

  28. I really feel for you. I had a similar situation with my mother (schizophrenic, manic depressive, nude to online with, antisocial, manipulative and single). She expected my brother or I to stay home and care for her. We're not from a background where that would be appropriate culturally, either. So yeah I get what you're going through (except yours is an order worse because of the fact that her desire is fairly normal for your cultural background).

    For the people suggesting “get her mh help”. Its not that easy in the UK, especially with the lack of infrastructure. There isn't just someone you can call for help when someone isn't in immediate crisis. The entire mental and social care system is on its knees. Not to mention the fast that UK psychology is woefully inequipped to deal with women of OPs mother's age and background (there's shit loads of research on how SA women are incorrectly treated by the mental health system).

    I know it's hot OP, but I think you know the likely outcome (your mother being very upset with you). If she's open to it I would encourage her to join some classes, hobbies, groups so that she has more in her life that you and your sibling. But I understand that can be difficult to enact.

    Sorry you're going through this!

  29. Cute and precious will only hold your interest for so long. You’re already concerned and you’re just dating. Imagine living together with nothing to talk about. Also would she start eventually not wanting you to “waste time” on these things? You say she never would but you really have no idea honestly

  30. Lmao, just let him know you're not asking how he feels about how you feel.

    And I know you're angry now, but this gives you a chance to find real happiness and love with someone worthy. Let the new chick have the cheater/deadbeat. She'll regret it, sonn enough.

  31. First, what exactly are you both looking for in terms of an open relationship? Is it just casual sex, or are you considering polyamory with potential romantic relationships? That context is important.

  32. She has always wanted to marry me and have kids that was her dream with me.

    Are you serious? You are making a huge mistake. Do not marry this woman or you will regret it.

  33. Since you are in a exclusive relationship, he probably sees you as his gf rather than a FWB. Make your position clear to him (as a FWB) to avoid the hurt you will cause him when you eventually see other guys.

  34. I wish we knew more context. Is OP chipping in with chores and bills? Are they a useful member of the household? Do the parents want OP to live! there still?

    What we do know is OP is 24 and doesn’t have a license yet while living at home.

    It’s though to judge without more details.

  35. Those “friends” have crossed a lot of lines. I don’t know that I would issue any type of ultimatum, but tell her what you’ve told us and you absolutely can set boundaries about what you’re comfortable with/what you’re looking for from a committed relationship/partner. I think it’s important for this to be her decision, but be prepared to walk if she chooses to prioritize her friendship.

  36. Well she doesn't mind me touching her. For instance when we cuddle she wants to be the big spoon so she doesn't feel overwhelmed or overstimulated.

  37. There could be a number of perfectly valid reasons why she is sticking to her guns on this, having said this a four-year engagement without intercourse having happened is on the absolute far end of the bell curve in terms of normal relationships. I'm not going to spend more time on this because you are quite deliberately leaving out a humongous chunk of context to this scenario. Is it a religious issue? Is it physical anxiety? Is it whatever? No one knows, and you aren't saying because in 4 years you have never bothered to get that information.

    This is a ridiculous OP and an obvious troll.

  38. I think the relationship was balanced before her program started a year ago. I didn't feel like this or had this issue. It has been tough on her but … to your point, time to go out, see her friends etc is more of a priority then is helping meal prep or clean.

  39. An 80s themed birthday?! Girl! I wish we were friends in real life. We'd be planning your party together. Your husband is a wet sock. Nothing you want is childish and frivolous. Just because birthdays aren't a big deal to him, doesn't mean he gets to shit on yours. Get together with one of your friends and plan your party. Who cares what your husband thinks. It's your day. He can go pound sand.

  40. i say this with love: at 22, i also thought i could do things to get partners to do/be better. sadly, OP, you are learning this lesson the hot way as i also did.

    he is 38, not 8. it is not your job or responsibility to teach a grown man how to clean or cook for himself. let me guess…he “doesn't know” because you “do it better?” you will have to show your son how to do those things because he is 5.

    you cannot change a grown human. if you talk to him seriously about needing things to change and he still has not stepped up, leave him and find someone who can function as an adult.

  41. You forget she works full time, does all the chores and takes care alone of both kids She even brings him his morning coffee because obviously he can't move his ass at home. OP, try to make a joke about you wanting to try a dick with a twenty-something year-old attached to it and enjoy his reaction. Then ask yourself why you are still with him

  42. Unfortunately when I get off work he did turn out to not of left. Fortunately he is asleep, and I got in through the window without him waking (door was deadbolted, and being stuck outside at 3am freaks me out too much). I don't have anyone here really, I've only lived in this city for a year and most of that was spent working 6 days a week. My cousin does move in soon (feb) and he's down for helping me kick him out.

  43. Or he could grow a pair and be a mature adult instead of being deceptive and not actually proving anything other than he has issues. Mature adults talk to their partners, they don’t try to deceive then……

  44. Idk the best way to tell him that I pretty much don’t like sleeping over because his snoring is like an old man hooked up to a machine type of noise.

    use your mouth. lol

    I'm the snorer– or so I'm told… isn't it odd how I've never heard myself snore?– and I can tell you I'd be disappointed if my wife was having her sleep ruined and wasn't saying anything about it.

    does your bf snore only when he's laying on his back? if so, can he start sleeping on his side? my wife nudges me if I ever roll over and start snoring… or so I'm told.

    you're a couple– communicate and work together to find a solution that allows both of you to get some sleep.

  45. You left out A LOT of the story and you lied about not knowing why you followed that account. Why did you follow it? What is so offensive about it?

  46. How do you see him telling you not to go out for the entire time he’s gone as rational? I really don’t get it.

  47. You know what you want to do, but you seem to want others to reaffirm it. Is it worth the torture to yourself the way he treats you. You are not the problem, he seems like he doesn't care or have any ambition to put anything into this relationship.Find someone who gives back to what you offer. You know you deserve better.

  48. Is she the only one working? If she is picking up all the bills and funding your “hanging out with friends” maybe she feels entitled to know how often that is going to be?

  49. What the fuck do you want from him? He is your boyfriend, not your father. He does not have to deal with your drunk bullshit. He was at a party that was ostensibly for him, and yet you made an ass out of yourself, and now you are mad at him? He should be angry with you for ruining the party, not the other way around!

    Honestly you sound like a leach on him. He provides for you financially for a year, busting his ass to do so, and all you seem to have to say is he isn't doing enough for you emotionally. You drag him to therapy and therapist just reiterates your side. You complain you feel “emotionally abandoned” when “living with 4 people and 2 pets”, but honestly you just sound like a hedgehog that complains no one will hug you.

    I don't know why you feel a lack of emotional trust with him. He sounds like he goes well above and beyond to help you through school, and he gets minimal returns on it as you complain about emotional distance. Honestly, breaking up with him might be doing him a solid favor.

  50. This is the point you agree to go to a therapist with your mother regularly if you want to fix things

    I was hoping she would be receptive to a joint/group session, but she completely ignored that suggestion which is incredibly disorienting to me considering the things she had said less than an hour prior.

    hope she grows past things til she can handle the things she finds antagonistic that you do.

    So my concern here is that it feels like she is laying a lot of the blame on my wife, and insinuating that I am being manipulated/abused (“it’s probably safer for you to have your recollection be closer to hers”). Which is completely bizarre and is the part we are grappling with the most.

  51. omfg what an asshole!! he’s the stupid one clearly here jesus christ. you DO NOT put scented lotion inside of you!! how is he that stupid. i am so sorry u must have sm irritation, if he refuses to stop break up and leave him. not worth ur time at all that is so fucked up

  52. It's not even about being too soon. It's that you've known this person for 4 months and you're planning the exact proposal month and how you're going to take care of your parents in the future.

    Work on whether you're compatible and actually properly like each other first. You don't know that in 4 months generally.

  53. The reason for wanting to look at the deleted messages is there is more that I didn't capture and I might be missing some important context. That is moot though, she did let me try and restore them and they were unrecoverable. She was hurt by that (crying) that I didn't trust her and take her at her word.

    I guess the reason I am not sure if it is actually cheating is she doesn't view it as cheating (even emotionally as she has repeatedly, even before this, stated she has no feelings for him. She has known this person since before we met, so over 10ish years), and I am not even sure I do.

    Part of the thing I am struggling to process is whether it was actually cheating or what constitutes emotional cheating for me.

    I guess one of the things I came here to establish is whether this was cheating.

  54. I’ve done a lot of that and there’s currently a girl that is very interested in me.

    However, I am absolutely wanting to make this work with my ex partner though. But what is the point of meeting her if she’s not interested in a reconciliation?

  55. If he has ANY self worth he would not get back with her. She showed her true colors and while it is all good she claims to have seen the light, the damage is done. I hope he has gotten help to realize it was not him that was the problem but her.

  56. He has more of a technical background. Has worked for Facebook, and would cold call companies and get them big by expanding their social media and get them on shows like shark tank.

    I don't think he has any artistic background himself. I try to explain my position but he's insistent I'm wrong

  57. Check her electronics. Get AVR for car. When you confront and she says no tell her you want a polygraph. Update us

  58. This is one of the first arguments I find persuasive against porn … that it desensitizes you to real-time relationships. As a man totally devoted to both pastimes, I find it amazing that the solo endeavor could ever crowd out the other.

  59. eh try again. Plenty of us are able to realize that exes were bad romantic partners but great friends in addition to other friends with 0 romantic history.

  60. Jesus Christ, what a sad outcome. I wish you’d stepped up for your partner. You won’t spend your whole life under your parents control if you take it for yourself. I hope you find someone who you can deem worthy of having hot conversations with your parents. You deserve love, regardless of what they think of your partner’s background. ?

  61. By constantly bringing it up to her–you are pressuring her. You may not realize that is what you are doing…but it's what you're doing, nonetheless.

  62. He is a whole different human. Normal. He loves her and plays with her like every dad would. He treats humans as he should. Yes he has his split personalities or what not but he’s not physically violent like he is with animals.

  63. You asked for judgement and advice. I've read what you've written and this is what I have to say. Even if you don't like it.

  64. Nope. If he wants to have a joint account you both need access, visibility and amount about of money contributed into the same account.

  65. The reason why you recommitted was because of him saying that he can meet your needs and wants but he failed, so it’s ok to tell him that it’s final and you’re breaking up with him.

  66. Dude was embarrassed and perhaps had performance anxiety.

    He's not invested.

    Go fuck someone else and satisfy your needs.

  67. Why marry someone you literally do not agree with as a person?

    Is this not a natural result? Choose yourself.

  68. It's a niche kind of app so I'm not surprised you've never heard of it, I've only heard about it a few weeks ago. Do hope it works for you though and I'd love an update!

  69. She will forgive you and take you back and do you know why?

    She won't want to be a single mother because pieces of shit like you will judge her.

    That, and the fact that you have absolutely destroyed her self esteem and financial independence.

    And I hate that for her. I hate that she feels stuck to such a waste of skin for a husband.

    And as if it can't get any worse, you're trying to knock her up so that IF you do tell her, she's even MORE vulnerable and less likely to leave you.

    You manipulative, vile, kid fucker. 19 years old. Gross bastard.

  70. You can also sit him down and ask him upfront if he's losing interest. His answer, expressions will tell you a lot about it.

    All relationship to through a honeymoon stage, mine did but we're still making efforts for one another. No matter what happens I hope everything works out well for you, and good luck.

  71. Going through your comment history, there’s so much more to this story because you’re a pretty disgusting person.

    You claimed a guy was a rapist on a post about a woman who innocently shared a bed with her upset brother. On the same post, you said the woman deserved a divorce and that she should stop asking for advice even though she clearly needed it. You also claimed a woman was abusive because her and her husband of 2.5 years were having sex 14 times a week. On that same post, you said he should divorce her because if he wasn’t willing to have sex with her 8 times a day she would fulfill her needs elsewhere ie insinuating she would cheat. Your comment history is full of pretty abusive comments and a lot of misogyny. So either you are a troll or you’re an extremely shitty person who shouldn’t be with anyone with that kind of mindset.

  72. All of your feelings are valid, but dream with me for a second. You have all that you describe: a wonderful partner who supports you and uplifts you, someone you can tell your innermost secrets to and feel safe with them. Now imagine this person doesn’t minimize your feelings (you say fashion is important to you right?) and flaunts you proudly to the world, this is OP on MY arm. Gaze you poor souls, but she loves me. A partner that cherishes you. Is that what you’re getting from this relationship? You’re 18, you’re young and by your own admission, inexperienced. You deserve better.

    Last bit of unsolicited advice: some people will objectify or crucify you for whatever you’re wearing, there’s no pleasing these unhappy souls. Don’t try.

  73. he would bring OP unless he was open to getting back together with his ex

    The one benefit of doubt I can show him is if he's a very anxious kind of person who fears and loathes conflict, and somehow worked himself up into believing OP and his ex would fight or something. But that'd also be the kind of thing he'd say to OP . . . The most innocent/loving thing I can see is if he treasures a friendly dynamic with that specific group of people and somehow thinks OP would change it, but it's still awful he'd fucking lie to her just to get that specific hangout vibe, and also be so disconnected from himself he can't even tell her about it.

  74. Tell her that if she chooses to deprive herself of a relationship with you because she thinks her transition means everyone has to pretend the last 28 years she has been a girl and that this is not a new development then she can. Her deciding to present differently to the world does not entitle her to other people's belongings so that she can feel validation.

  75. I hope this is a troll account because if it's not your responses show you're brainwashed. Why come ask for advice if you're going to not take any of it? Get out and go enjoy living with your predator.

  76. He didn’t place a boundary, he established control parameters. You set boundaries for yourself, not to control other.

    A boundary : “I don’t accept the way you’re speaking to me right now. I’m removing myself from this conversation.”

    Not a boundary : “Here’s what you can and cannot do.”

  77. I was specifically referring to OP renting out a house, as she said she was looking for 3-4 bedrooms. The cost for that would be greater than 1.5million for a lifetime of renting.

    There are not “tons” of nice apartments for less than 2k a month. As someone who lives here, for less than 2k you’re looking at either 1) small 2) likely a basement apartment 3) a place with issues in the building (roaches, bed bugs). If you do happen to find a nice, larger spacious place, you’re competing against everyone else who’s looking for that property.

    People are renting out ROOMS in their nicer apartments for 1.5k+/month.

  78. Both of you need to get into individual therapy. Him for his issues around sex and his unfounded belief that his erection is your problem. You to learn how to set boundaries (not just about sex but also with a partner who believes it is acceptable to sit in bed pouting all day because you wouldn't blow him), how to hold your partner to higher standards and how to stop being a doormat.

  79. OP maybe get tested for STDs just in case. You weren't using condoms with her and you don't know if that incident was the only time she cheated.

    Also, this reflects badly only on her. You come off as a strong, respectable dude and you should be proud of how you handled it. Keep it up and don't get sucked back into any drama from her.

  80. Yeps this is a common theme with people telling their s/o's what happened I've had my fair share of opening up about my sa's and having to manage the other person

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