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Room for online sex video chat mia_deviil

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Date: October 7, 2022

47 thoughts on “mia_deviillive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Two guys I’ve slept with recently encouraged me to use it. I try to use it when they’re in me so they feel like they contributed (and they have, it feels better when something or someone is inside me).

    It is nice to see more men not feel threatened by it.

  2. Yay! I’m above average in something!! But seriously I didn’t know that, huh, thanks for sharing that.

  3. Usually I say dont contact when a relationship is over. In your case i suggest Send him a copy of the letter. Hopefully he will learn what his mom is doing to his relationships moving forward

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  5. His stress shouldnt be taken out on you. This isnt just arguing its manipulation.

    it takes 2 people to want a relationship doesnt sound like you have that. You arent a punching bag.

  6. Joseph- you know what to do. Hitch up that donkey and head to Bethlehem. Leave early, it's going to be very hot to find a place to stay.

  7. Joseph- you know what to do. Hitch up that donkey and head to Bethlehem. Leave early, it's going to be very hot to find a place to stay.

  8. Are you taking weak approaches? Hanging out is not understood as a good dating strategy.

    Do you have a lot of women interacting with your social media that potential dates will see? Having looks and resources usually attract, so there is something signaling these potential interests that you aren't a serious potential for them.

    Either your approach or your public/social/digital appearance is wrong for you.

    You are passing along a lot of info that seems to be “from women” when describing your situation. Lean towards your male friends and come at this from a masculine frame…it may serve you better.

  9. At best he was honest so you can leave early. At worse he's disrespectful to the privacy and safety of the women in his life by casually keeping nudes of them on his phone where anyone can see them. Either way, leave him. He's a red flag.

  10. Op I lost my mom to cancer when I was 22. You deserve to have a partner who treats you with love, respect and empathy. My fiancé (now husband) did everything he could to love and support me when my mom was sick. He dropped everything to rush with me to the hospital when she took her turn for the worse. He never demanded a damn thing from me. You deserve the same. Losing your mom is very hot enough. Don’t make it harder by staying with someone who doesn’t respect you.

    And please, if you haven’t already, try to find a therapist to talk to. I promise it helps. The grief never stops but you can get the tools you need to make sure it doesn’t consume you.

    Sending so much love your way. ❤️

  11. Assuming from your wording that they are your kids not hers, the kids wellbeing comes first. This means you need to take over the care of them if her idea of supervision is plopping them in front of a screen. There is quite a bit of evidence that kids eyes are being damaged by too much close up screen time. Time to step up.

  12. it's not worth it, nor is it a classy thing to do.

    you want to take something that ended on good terms and blow it right the hell up into drama? really bad idea IMO

  13. It's time yo grow up. She had other options but chose to do that. Have an honest conversation about it and let her know exactly how you feel. Then, discuss boundaries. If you can both agree to them without coercion, great. If not, you have to consider that you may be incompatible in the long-term and need to part ways. It does not mean either of you is a bad person; just persons with different moral values.

  14. I'm not going to say you'd be taking advantage of her but, speaking for my family and siblings, we don't date their friends. When friends have been overly interested in a sibling, it kinda ended the friendship (and the sibling never went for it).

    My brother has only once tried to “set me up” with a friend, I was 20, he would've been 23-26, they were all drunk and all my brother said was, “he wants to know if you've got a boyfriend, he thinks you're cute.” Not, “he thinks you're very hot and wants to bone you.” Which is what this situation would be.

    If you go through with it, be prepared to lose your friend you've known for over 14 years.

    I want it to be noted that I think the sister is picking you because she thinks you're safe and won't take advantage, that you'll be a respectful fwb. I just think you should keep that in mind

  15. You have to know that the people who actually go through with cutting these people, especially family off are the ones who would have done so anyway. Because they themselves want to live a certain way. They're not gonna do it for you. The reason is simple. To do something like this you have to have a degree of self-conviction & courage that comes from within, not an outside influence like a romantic relationship.

    It's nothing against you personally. But people make the decision that works for themselves first & foremost. Ultimately he's gonna do the calculation of “family/friends/wealth/social standing” vs. “girlfriend” and most of the time, the math isn't gonna come out in your favour unless most of the things on the other side of the balance already sucks for him.

  16. I actually had this problem with my current bf. In the beginning I felt like he wasn't paying enough attention to my needs so I brought it up and then it swung in the opposite direction and he was trying so very hot to make me orgasm, but I still couldn't. When I tried to talk to him about it he was confused at first because it sounded like I was telling him the opposite of what I'd said prior. But we worked it out. It went something like:

    “I know you're a little frustrated about not being able to get me to orgasm. I'm frustrated by it to. But sometimes I feel like there's a lot of pressure and I'm sure this isn't your intent but sometimes it feels like the only goal is to get me off and that pressure really only makes it harder. And while I would love to orgasm with you, I think it'll just take time and practice. But you make me feel really good and I would really like it if we could just try out new things just for the sake of pleasure.”

    I made it a point to tell him how good he made me feel, and he understood that it wasn't a failure on him if I didn't orgasm. He knew that I enjoyed it regardless and that was enough.

  17. Be very patient with her transition away from you, help her out however you can, and be as kind as possible.

    And admit to her you're kind of a dick to do this now that you're feeling better.

  18. I guess I just can’t understand because im 25 and 19 just seems so young to me now. (Not to discredit 19 year olds at all) but this post is obviously fake so whatever

  19. I wouldn't because really, what would it matter. He is giving her ample reason to doubt this relationship and doubt him so just consider it over and move on. He's not worth the conversation of 'what' because he is going to spin it his way so why bother.

  20. So it's a 2-3 hour flight ride (or 20 hour car drive) between our 2 states. I wish meeting was easier so I could actually see where things go with him but it is what it is I guess ?

  21. Men don't presume to read people's minds. We usually take people by their words at face value.

  22. All the comments from OP scream troll to me. If I'm wrong and this is real, then gtf out of there girl x

  23. I’m overweight and my so would never ask this of me. He was surprised he weighed as much as he did at his last doc appointment and I didn’t ask him his number. This dude is gross and needs to get therapy.

  24. From the sounds of it, you do 100 of everything by yourself. You want to give a positive message to your daughter growing up but staying is just going to show her to tolerate that type of behavior from your husband. Also read some comments where your post history talks about him being an abusive alcoholic.

    OP whether you realize it or not you're already setting a bad example for your daughter if that is how he is acting. *Just want to be clear I am NOT blaming you for this situation, but you talk about setting good empowering examples for your daughter and this situation is doing just the opposite, in my opinion. The way he's talking to you, he will eventually do to your daughter.

    Honestly, I get not wanting to leave because it sounds like your husband is becoming someone you don't know. If you do leave, what do you have to lose? A shitty horrible partner? If you do stay, is therapy (individual and marriage) an option? Setting boundaries such as him not drinking anymore? It's unfortunate having a child with him truly brought out hus true colors but you and your daughter don't deserve that.

  25. Nope – text her right after if you enjoyed the date. If you’re concerned about appearing too clingy you can send an open ended text )meaning not expecting a response). Something like ‘I had a great time tonight’ is usually enough.

  26. You’re right, I was absolutely living a Disney movie. Sometimes it’s like that.

    I think being married is a significant life event to share with someone you’re discussing marriage with. I don’t particularly want to wait to have her mention it but I wouldn’t feel comfortable marrying her if she didn’t tell me. I don’t care it happened, it bothers me it’s been withheld.

    If you Google her name with the specific spelling of her name that she doesn’t use on her social media or at work because it’s unusual it’s the second thing that comes up.

  27. Create distance (do NOT follow on social media, text, anything). Have new experiences to show your brain that life can go on. When people break up but say “maybe in the future”, 99% of the time, they are lying to themselves to make themselves feel less shitty. It’s obvious that the two of you care for each other, but she’s right, she has growing to do, and you likely do too.

    Breakups are really awful but clinging to a small unlikely hope and getting really fixated on it aren’t helping either of you. Give this space, learn more about yourself, and reevaluate after some time has passed. But space and changing of your routine is key to beginning this process

  28. Two different places in your lives. Go enjoy your career in Milan and leave him behind. He’s abusive to you as well, your gut is telling you. Take this opportunity to separate and enjoy your early 20’s!! Do not let him trap you and ruin your chances. Good luck!

  29. Snap out of it. You have a healthy marriage and have kids. You also aren’t thinking of your current husband. DO NOT MESSAGE HIM

  30. It is not weird, but it might be a little bit immaturity/awkwardness.

    In these examples, it sounds like he is choosing to play with children over interacting socially with adults. This can be very common in people with social anxiety/awkwardness. It's much easier to play with a child than to have an adult conversation with adults for some people! He can make funny faces at a baby, or play video games with your nephews. Those things are not very mentally/socially demanding.

    Now compare that with having a conversation with a stranger or someone you barely know – asking them questions about their lives, answering questions about your own, finding common ground, trying to have an interesting conversation. That stuff might not come as naturally to him as it does to you!

    That said, it is ok that it bothers you if you'd like him to engage more with your friends and family – but you have to tell him and be compassionate. And also know that he is not a pedo!

    Understand where he's coming from, and make sure he knows that you'll be there to support him. Think of what you can do to help lubricate these conversations – “oh you like xyz hobby, so does my bf!” “You grew up in xyz city, my boyfriend visited there last year”

  31. Yeah I would’ve atheist given you the checks the university sent. But maybe she doesn’t see it like that. I would just talk to her about it buddy. Just communicate

  32. Ok so then what happened to just saying “Hi” or even as 99.9% of guys say when they see their “homie” “Sup Bro”

  33. I used to live in a very dog friendly city and many restaurants would allow people to have their dogs on the patio. AFAIK this wasn’t a violation of food safety code, since the dogs were outside the restaurant and well away from all food preparation areas.

  34. Nah, even if they were cool with dating each other’s exes, her being jealous and taking it out on you isn’t fair to you. Maybe breaking up with her is a bit extreme but my suggestion is to definitely not let her words make you feel like less. And know what is crossing a line for you yknow….like her being emotional is one thing but taking it out on you isn’t healthy

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