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Miss Emmi and her friend charming_pan the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Miss Emmi and her friend charming_pan, 25 y.o.


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Live! Live Sex Chat rooms Miss Emmi and her friend charming_pan

Miss Emmi and her friend charming_pan live sex chat

Date: October 11, 2022

38 thoughts on “Miss Emmi and her friend charming_pan the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Lol right!! I kept saying what's the flag? Date went well and dude delete the app. It seems op is super insecure lol he just wants to give her 100% chance but the go to thought is: he must have a wife or gf. Dude is shady af

  2. My friend is male but also my cousin. I asked him to introduce me to her sometime and he said sure. But I dont know when.

  3. Mind your own business…you don’t know what goes on behind closed doors, and certainly aren’t privy to any agreements between this couple. Your friend isn’t so innocent here, she knew what his marriage status was, yet she gets a free pass for her behavior and willing participation?? Don’t bring drama to your new marriage, it will come back to you someday

  4. He sounds really messed up in the head with the insistence on trying to get it on in public. That might be a fantasy thing but in real life not so cool. Especially around kids. You shouldn't feel bad, but definitely take his trying to guilt trip you as a red flag.

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  7. It would bother me. It would bother most people. Frankly Reddit is full of people where they were friends and then whoops. They slip up have a drink and they’re having sex. It’s one of the reasons that I think it’s nude to be friends with people you could date when you’re in a relationship. It can take the intimacy out of your primary relationship and there’s always that fear something can develop. Not a good practice. She’s an adult though so you’re gonna have to pick how you put it to her.

  8. Sounds like your dad is the fruit from Snow White and your boyfriend can’t say yes sir and kiss up. You need to talk to both of them but I doubt talking with your dad will do much. Cops are the most brainwashed of them all. I had a situation like this except I wasn’t even saying anything- I yelled to my gf’s dad because he was far away from me and he flipped out- some adults have egos they must protect and when one ego is made to protect an entire police force it’s gonna be bad. He probably has a nude time seeing the bad cops and justifies whatever they do to “oh we put our lives on the line every days and it’s so intense and you have to make decisions fast” bs they always spit out

  9. 10 year age gap and he’s messing with your head. let him break up with you, saves you the trouble of doing it yourself.

  10. That or she's at the point in her life where she knows she doesn't need to waste time on a sexually selfish lover.

  11. What is friendship other than platonic love? I'm not sure what you mean by “I can't love him platonically,” there is either platonic love (friendship) or romantic love (relationship).

    I'm still not 100% over all the shit my bf put me through and why we broke up in the first place.

    Then you two should not be getting married until you figure out if you can work through this. If you want to stay with your boyfriend, go to couples counseling and commit to getting your relationship to a healthy place. If you don't, be honest with him and end things. There are really no other respectful options here.

  12. I think it’s a bit much to expect him to celebrate monthly anniversaries. Also, not everyone expresses love the same way, some people do through gift giving but not everyone, you can tell him who you want him to be all you want but he has to want to change.

  13. So sorry to hear this has happened to you. Only you can know if this is something you'll be able to move past. You don't have to know straight away. Take time to think if this infidelity is something you want to end your marriage over, or if there's enough in the relationship to try and work through it.

    The reality is that 50% of people in relationships cheat. Lots or these relationships don't end. I'm not saying this to condone your wife's behaviour, just that it's really common. People really only hear about cheating if it ends the relationship. People who don't end it tend to keep it to themselves.

    Are you able to speak with a therapist to help you work through what you're feeling? If you want to stick it out, couples counselling for both of you.

    Being cheated on is heartbreaking. Healing and rebuilding trust is not an easy or quick thing to do. All you can do is think about what will make you happiest in the long run – being together or separate.

    Be kind to yourself. Good luck OP.

  14. I agree, my wife it texting me endlessly trying to apologize but I’m at a hotel room and not answering. She says she’s never done anything like this before. She says I can ‘get back at her’ by hooking up with another women if I want if it means keeping the marriage intact. But i don’t think that would help me though.

  15. Frankly, I doubt that you’re ever going to find somebody that lives up to your standards from what you’re posting. And when you are with somebody, you have to compromise on what you can on-line with. Nobody’s ever going to be perfect to make it. Somebody is great with dust mites and is horrible to you.

    I actually think this could use some counseling for you not for him. He’s probably a regular person. And like you said he’s trying, but your statement of his just not quite good enough, for it doesn’t find every speck of dirt is a little concerning to me, it’s a little OCD.

  16. so it wasn’t really a horrible thing in our mind, and we didn’t really consider it abuse.

    A clear effect of what your parents did, it has messed up your sense of morality and you're repeating their behavior.

    I genuinely can't fathom what kinda of person you have to be violent to a toddler. Hitting your children is gonna do more damage than good for them, it's not like that's an obvious thing to understand.

    You need to understand the difference between fear and respect.

  17. It matters because she’s definitely going around telling everyone I broke up with her making me look to be the bad guy, I’ve been no contact for 4 days but she has been telling people that and I found out.

  18. Very strange.

    I just feel what he is asking from you, is very important. And you deserve at least an explanation why he is making such a request. Maybe he have something against lawyers.

    It's weird because instead of discussing with you, he just walks away, ignores you and sobs on his own. I think you need to evaluate if you two getting married is such a good thing.

  19. So him doing all those sweet things for you before wasn’t actually who he was, it was just the beginning act to get you hooked. Now he feels like he doesn’t have to try anymore. Just ask yourself if this new real version of him is someone you’d be happy to be with a year from now, since this is how he’s going to be with you from now on.

  20. Maybe if you gave accurate advice and read correctly in the first place (which I appreciate the asked for advice you gave) instead of assuming I was mad about it (I wasn’t) you wouldn’t feel the need to be a condescending a** ? that’s why we read with our eyes

  21. I do not see it as them just being after your husband. I think they want you involved as well. It's fine for them to have wanted that.but this carrying on after you have been clear you aren't down for that is not OK. The more your husband responds to Young Wife the more it encourages young Husband to harass you. It is harassment at this point. Your Husband needs to block them.

  22. I need to go ahead and say that a lot of the responses are just plain rude. People are acting as though they'd stand up and make grand, sweeping declarations about boundaries, when more than half of them would have had the same response you had: freezing in mortification.

    Your family was extraordinarily rude. You've probably never had a SO over before, so you didn't know this was going to happen, at least not to this degree.

    But I think it might be disingenuous to say you also didn't anticipate something like this, either, but may have been hoping for the best.

    This is a learning experience. I would suggest sitting your family members down, individually, and talking with them about how uncomfortable they made your boyfriend. Let them know how hurt you are, how mortified you were during the meeting itself:

    •It was not okay for your mother to invade his personal space.

    •It was not okay for your mother to focus so much on his eyes. Staring deeply into someone's eyes is usually reserved for intimate partners.

    •Your father's grilling of the poor boy was ridiculous, especially with regard to something so sensitive and personal as religion.

    •Your brother is an insecure asshole.

    If they can't be polite to your partners or friends, exclude your family until they learn manners.

    Now. I'm guessing this is going to be really tough for you. I get the feeling you were raised to not have or enforce any boundaries. And this will likely hurt or even anger your family. But this is going to be necessary if you're expecting independence or romantic interests.

    Next, do not introduce your family to your partner so quickly. As others have said, make sure the foundations of your relationship are firm and solid. And do NOT let your family pressure you into letting them meet your partners, it's YOUR relationship, not theirs.

  23. You don’t have a boyfriend, you have an anger machine. You can’t fix him because he’s working as designed.

  24. My husband and I have ours turned on and I use it frequently when I’m hangry and he’s supposed to be bringing home food and it’s good for both of us.

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