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NadjaHeldlive sex stripping with hd cam


65 thoughts on “NadjaHeldlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Believe her when her actions tell you who she is in this moment. Decide whether or not her current state is what you want to be with and build a future with. Do not hope, push, or fight for change. Not right for you in this moment is not right for you at all.

  2. Imagine having a baby with him and him coming home and peeing in their room

    Drinking needs to stop or you need to reevaluate the future you currently want.

  3. Forget not being accusatory. Accuse away. You believe he's intentionally letting the baby cry because he's resentful that you're asking him to care for the baby while you take a bath. And based on what you wrote, I think you are absolutely right.

    You know what he's doing. He knows what he's doing. What he doesn't know is that you know that he knows and you find it unacceptable. If he can't get the baby to stop crying, he can take the baby outside for a few minutes until you're done.

  4. They better hope this relationship works out. Cause good luck explaining I used to fuck my sister to a future significant other.

  5. Snapping his fingers at the waiter tells me everything I need to know. And I'm not joking when I say that. Run. Do not have a baby with this man.

  6. have an abortion and tell him you had a misscarrige. NEVER let someone force you to have a child if you are not 100% on board

  7. u/jordanhenderomgrun, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  8. Oblivious is just another way of saying ignorant. Why is he oblivious to your body and your needs? He has two working hands, I presume. He can sort himself out. Pressuring you to have sex before you’re ready is coercion and abusive.

    He doesn’t deserve your time, energy or body.

    I’d be laying down some ground rules and telling him to shape up or ship out.

  9. Hello /u/Dramatic-Beginning45,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  10. This post reads really bizarrely. First, it's important to point out that he's not “preying” on younger women. As long as they're over 18 they're consenting adults in a consensual relationship with another adult. Second, you set you limit at 30 but you were attracted to this guy and a consenting participant in the relationship. It's so weird that you judge him for that but not yourself in the same way. From what you say, he's a good boyfriend too. So where's the “preying?” It just seems so needless judgemental when you consented to this relationship and haven't stated that you feel like he coerced or forced you into anything but that he somehow “preys” on adult women.

  11. Hello /u/Overthinkir,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  12. Easy. Tell him you’ll change alright.. change boyfriends.

    Don’t ever do anything you don’t like, you don’t want to do, or aren’t comfortable doing. For no one.

  13. Oh, don’t worry, I can explain the definition to you. What he was basically trying to say is you aren’t submissive and you won’t immediately follow him or put up with his bullshit. He wants someone with no backbone or self-esteem. Someone who will gladly fuel his ego for the rest of his life.

  14. No kidding! I have PMDD so I hoped that getting on one that stopped my periods altogether would help. I didn't have many issues on the combined pill. Progesterone-only ended up giving me debilitating fatigue and rapid weight gain, among other things. Now I'm too heavy for doctors to prescribe anything with estrogen for fear of blood clots so I just yeeted my tubes instead. Doesn't necessarily help the PMDD very much but it's one fewer thing to worry about ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ hormones are dumb

  15. You are incredibly ignorant to domestic violence if you think that abuse victims should be taken at face value when they say they aren’t being abused.

    OP described abuse in his post. No matter what his or anyone else’s feelings are, his wife abused him. Whether it’s a pattern of ongoing abuse, none of us know and OP is obviously not going to tell us, he’s defending his wife.

  16. Do you go over to someone’s house when they are sleep and look around after you were there for a party??

    You should have asked but either way she wasn’t your gf just because she was talking to you ??

    You are funny though, so you will get another one ?

  17. Yeah, y’all need to fix up whatever went wrong in your relationship WAY BEFORE you bring an innocent kid into the mix. A baby is not duct tape for your love life.

  18. You are a teenager dating an almost 30yr old who wants to control your conversations with other people and needs you to come to work with him. This is so wrong, you need to leave, now.

  19. If you are genuinely asking for my reason, it's because I would like to have a relationship with him once I move out. If you believe this is impossible, you could just say so.

    I am trying out some anger management techniques (ie, disengaging) but they are ineffective when others will not allow me to use them. If you have any additional advice, then I am open to listening. If not, then the problem still stands.

  20. Listen to your friends and family. They actually do love you, unlike your boyfriend. They can SEE that he doesn’t love you the same way that you love him. Please consider how your future will look… do you really think he would stick by you if you were suddenly unable care for him and he had to become your carer? If you got sick, like long-term sick, would he be there for you? What about kids? Do you really think he would care for them beyond playtime, or would you just pick up all the slack?

    IMO, the kind of guy who would take advantage of you at every turn is the same kind of guy who wouldn’t think twice about moving on with someone else who seems to be offering him more.

    I’ve read many of your comments and he just seems worse and worse the more that you describe him. Is he this selfish about everything? Somehow I have a feeling that you’re also doing all the work in bed. You obviously have a lot to offer a partner and you deserve better.

  21. Commencements usually come out just a few months before they happen. At the earliest, they'll be out early in the same semester. Almost certainly, the wedding date was picked first.

    Tbh, I can fully understand everyone is going to the wedding. It was almost certainly planned way before the commencement. They don't have to be asses to OP though.

  22. I would go to my graduation. He isn't ditching or postponing his wedding to come to your graduation. Why should you ditch your graduation to go to his wedding? Is there no possibility of attending both? Like, after attending your graduation, won't the wedding party still be on?

  23. she showed him pictures of me with the guy from the club he's a great guy and super sweet she's the evil one

  24. You must accept that your marriage is over. He spied on you with those dictophones till he found something. Ask yourself how long he did this. He wanted out of the marriage. And you were also unhappy in the marriage since you kissed someone else. So don't play it down. You made the decision to cheat.

    Why do you want to fight for the marriage? Because you don't know how to finance yourself and where to stay. And because of your children.

    Accept your old life is over. You must try to find ways to online on your own. Get a lawyer if you don't have one. Stop fighting for him, you just make it worse. Try to find a common ground for the children. You are 40, you have still so much life before you. You should also get in therapy, to work through why this happen and how you can accept it.

  25. You demand access to her phone with her present and then pull that little trick out of your pocket to show her you know she's lying to you. Tell her it's access to her messages immediately or you're filing for divorce because she's hiding shit and acting suspicious, and that's reason enough to believe she's cheating emotionally, at the very least.

  26. He did stab you in the back. He didn’t ask you how you could make this work for both of you. He knows that you will have to sacrifice your career and he is ok with that.

    Will he receive a stipend? Can he, alone, financially support himself during his program or is he expecting you to provide for him? He may string you along with more promises of change for four years so that you can provide for him while he studies. Then who knows what?

    I would move south like you have always planned and pursue your goals. If he is truly committed, he will make an effort to make the relationship work long distance. If he refuses or can’t be bothered with that level of effort, you have your answer. Don’t sacrifice your financial security and career path to learn that. It’s better to learn what his level of commitment is now so that you can see if you should end things and find someone else.

  27. I think a lot of this discourse comes from that. I’m only 30, so I grew up dating like.. meeting people through friends or at the bar or at work or something. With friends of friends or colleagues it’s very easy, they probably already know I have a kid. With someone I met at a bar or a concert, you’re getting to know each other from the ground up. Like.. what’s your last name, type of shit lol online dating sort of changes the format there.

  28. Porn issues aside just dump her already, it doesn't matter she has no where to go she is an adult, so that's the consequences of her actions. She will never have a place to go, because then you can kick her out

  29. If he wasn’t trying to convert you he wouldn’t be pressuring you to go to paid classes and come to the temple with him.

  30. Break up with her. Trust me its not worth it. Don’t torture yourself over her. These so called platonic guy friend end up sleeping with them.

  31. You said she a private person I would just leave it. Personal even if my bf was invited I wouldn’t let him come to a family event and eve been dating longer than you and your partner. I’m private as well and won’t ever let my bf meet my siblings even though he’s been invited to I never extend the invitation and tell him. There’s possibly a deeper reason you don’t understand

  32. Some reasons you should: -for 25 he is incredibly immature – talking about your body to his friends is really disrespectful – he seems to lack confidence and character if this is how he wants to be seen by his friends – he obviously doesn't appreciate you the way you should

    Don't waste your time with him, life is too short.

  33. Don’t jump to conclusions about it meaning anything, like most sites it can be used for a variety of purposes and it has lots of great information and discussion threads.

    Her having an account doesn’t mean she’s cheating

  34. Why don't you show up there, take a seat by his side and be effin happy flirty with him the entire evening?

    I wouldn't let him off with that stunt.

  35. He's resentful of all the good things happening to you and is taking it out on you. He is bitter, envious, and is aware of him stagnating while you're not. Maybe a talk with him would help, but tbh I'm a person with no patience and I would've ditched him asap

  36. yeah, the last two bits suggested heavily that she is manipulating you. i would tell her that to ease her anxiety around you, if we are to get married, you are more than willing to sign a prenup, and she too as well. if she is upset over the suggestion then money is not the problem.

  37. Thank you for commenting on my post, I do appreciate you saying that. I knew it wasn’t my fault but because of how much this has happened I just wanted an outside perspective on the matter.

  38. Dump him, if his feelings for you are that superficial, then is your relationship actually that strong? What happens if you have kids? Will he stop being attracted to you again when your body changes then?

  39. Cheating and intending to cheat are the same thing. Dump him. Also, a 31 year old should have a place of his own and not need to mooch off his 7 year younger girlfriend…like, gross.

  40. Okay. He hit you. That's not playful. He got mad he was losing and hit you. Just because hes your friend dosent make it okay. Your a sore loser would you hit him? Did you on the games you lost?

    This isnt normal. I have male friends and none of them would hit me out of anger. Maybe shove me in a pool, throw a pillow at me or try to karate kick me on a trampoline. But hit me our of anger or frustration over a video game? Absolutely not. And if they did..they wouldnt be my friend before.

  41. If he never stops acting like this, would it still bother you in ten years time? Would it bother you more? He's very unlikely to change

  42. “I promise that any pictures or videos of you are private! Unless maybe it might help me get a better bj, or really help me at all to show them to strangers.”

  43. You also need to do some introspection as to what you admit were some causes to his troubles that you did. Actions have serious consequences.

  44. Thank you for your comment I like the honesty!

    I have to add, he gets his monthly wage 700 + 300 from youth welfare office + child allowance money 200 in Germany So he got enough money for a person that age

  45. Anyone who calls your kids “baggage”, or even implies that they see them as baggage is someone you should run in the opposition direction from. The fact that you have kids will instantly weed out the shitheads when you are ready to start dating again. Step parents exist for a reason. People marry into ready-made families all the time, and it will happen for you too if that’s what you decide you want.

    As for your husband, statistics say that he’s likely to experience a short period of happiness and freedom, followed by long term misery. For some reason, men process breakups differently than we do. Thankfully, it’s the opposite for women. You might feel sad now, but you’re more likely to reinvent yourself and experience joy in the long term. By the time he realizes what he’s lost, you’ll be in a place where you could never imagine being with someone like him again. I’ve seen it time and time again, and science supports this. I hope that holding on to that idea helps as you move forward. ?

  46. I don't understand how you are still choosing to stay with someone with such huge jealousy issues? And he's getting worse, not better? He's escalating. This isn't going to improve for you.

  47. No, the friend is the one because he says the N word. Without that trigger there isn’t an issue, so you’re not starting anything.

  48. You don’t. Don’t give this manipulative weakling a single second of your time.

    Move on. Block numbers. No contact. Get back to your own life and looking out for #1! (You!)

  49. This has always confused me as well. He does typical Muslim things like Ramadan, but at the same time, he drinks, smokes, and has sex before marriage. I don't know why he does this.

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