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NattCastillolive sex stripping with hd cam


55 thoughts on “NattCastillolive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I'm not sure it's going to help you to confront her with this. If and when she's ready to hear it, she'll ask you. Otherwise I think you're just wasting your breath.

  2. Absolutely, I don't understand why he's so pressed about things that happened before their relationship.

  3. When someone shows you who they are, believe them. You are always going to be second fiddle to this guy. Bail. Find a partner who respects you and lovers you.

  4. Butt out. If your dad wants to be a whiner who feels so entitled to his “fair share” of his parents wealth, ignoring the fact that it is THEIR wealth to distribute however the fuck they want, that he’s refusing any of the inheritance… that’s his burden.

    Don’t get yourself roped into his nonsense. Don’t push for him to accept the lesser amount or encourage him to talk it out with his parents. Don’t talk to your grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins. Don’t try to arbitrate this.

    Want to keep your good relationship with grandparents? Just keep having your good relationship that up to now had nothing to do with money.

  5. Great point. I focus on the wrong things here. Yes. She does find me attractive still. I just have my mental problems I focus on the wrong things.

  6. I don't think it will matter if you are there or not, she didn't invite you directly so you can indirectly just not go. As you said the party was about drinking and you are not that is a really good reason not to go.

    The rest is something you can discuss in therapy, us social anxiety people often over think about why people do things and what it means to say no, in that we would feel it as a rejection, whereas other people don't think that way at all. You maybe don't want to upset any possible reconciliation and that is understandable, but this doesn't appear to be anything other than a drinking party. Given that you have been sideways invited that is a good sign, as long as you communicate about being sober then no one would see that as you rejecting them, honestly.

    Hope the rest of the holidays is fun and stress free.

  7. u/ramva, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  8. 6 miles wrong? Shit. My best friend was sitting beside me in my bed in Tennessee & apple showed her in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

  9. u/That-Driver-9404, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  11. Hello /u/BuraianJ86,

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  12. Oh my dear, I am so sorry you have endured this for so long and you did not deserve it it all. I don't have adequate words or advice except to learn to put yourself first and leave this abusive man completely cut off from your life. So many of us here are sending love and support. Please be careful and surround yourself with the right kind of friends and family. Therapy could be helpful when you are ready as well.

  13. Why upset!! It’s not that she got married!! If u love her and know her well, don’t think about the past shit, think about now and the future

  14. Girl you're fucking dumb. I'm saying this out of kindness. He's always going to put his brother first. You dodged a huge bullet in not marrying him. Get out now.

  15. You didn’t ruin his previous life, he ruined it. He made the choice to cheat with you. You have no obligation to stay with him, and he sounds like a miserable ass. Dump him and let him sit alone wondering why everyone leaves him

  16. Her friends are being brutally honest with her. Hell if I was being this creepy I’d want my friends to call me out on it.

    True friends should be able to call each other out when they’re being messed up, it’s not healthy to only surround yourself with yes men.

  17. Nope. This doesn't matter. It's her choice. Don't be a jerk. You aren't even together anymore. You're not the one who would have to gestate for 9 months and then become a single Mom.

  18. Because I love(d) her and have felt things with her I never ever felt before. I´ve always being pretty numb feelings wise. But with her I actually got in love. Perhaps for the first time in my life. So my brain won´t let me easily just delete her.

  19. Your current boyfriend is so insecure that he is afraid of a boyfriend you haven’t talked to for 7 years. Your ex boyfriend is still stalking you after 7 years to the point where he immediately notices an unblock.

    Maybe you should stay single for a bit.

  20. Nah. I mean people can feel how they want, but shaming you for it like that would change what happened is out of line.

  21. Sounds like he took advantage of your drunk sister to me. Sister sounds like she has a drinking problem. Both have issues.

  22. You’re not wrong to feel hurt, but you’ll be seriously deficient in judgment if you stay with him.

  23. The 2nd Edit makes me consider this photo session a form of cheating. I know that's probably going to be an unpopular take, but if I was the OP, I would feel cheated on and consider it a form of unfaithfulness. Like sending nudes to men live. I don't care if 'she just went with it' so what? Still a betrayal of the relationship.

  24. You don't. You realise that it's a YOU problem and you work on it, whilst giving your girlfriend freedom. Everyone deserves to be friends with whomever they choose and your being “uncomfortable” with it is irrelevant IMO. You need to either trust her or break up.

  25. I don't get the american hype around graduation

    I'm not american and THIS graduation is a big deal because it's med school, not some bullshit degree or high school

  26. A simple “please don't have friends, ever” will suffice in this case, to be honest.

    You sound self-centred and suffocatingly exhausting.

  27. Really? You cannot hold this against her. You were in a non exclusive relationship for checks notes three whole months. If she kissed someone or multiple someones during this time, you don’t really have the right to complain.

    You cannot say you were already very serious. If you had been, you would have asked her to be your “official” girlfriend much earlier.

    Kindly – get over yourself. If you break up, let this be a lesson to you. You failed to define the exclusivity of the relationship and have retroactively gotten mad when she operated within a set of rules that were not actually discussed or agreed upon.

  28. More than half are battered wives. 40% of cops SELF REPORT being domestic abusers. Plenty more actually do it.

  29. If your conversations at 2 months are already dry, why are you together? What do you really have in common? What DO you talk about when you're together? You both sound dreadfully awkward. Unless there's animated conversation in person, why not just pull the plug and let it die naturally?

  30. Not necessarily. OP seems your GF is going to label any activity that distracts you from giving her your undivided attention as cheating. The real question is how much attention does she need? Is she a bottomless pit of need? Because there’s 165 hours left in a week after your 3 hours of FIFA.

  31. Your side piece caught feelings and reacted in an irrational and accusatory manner. Prob smart to end things with him sooner rather than later, unfortunately.

  32. I'm sorry to say that he is not over her. Are you sure you want to marry someone who has feelings for ex?

  33. I’m glad you broke up with her. Only thing I could suggest doing differently — hopefully you won’t ever have to face this again in the future, but just in case — is to skip the extensive arguments and declarations about how much she’ll regret it, and just dump her flat. She isn’t worth the effort to type all that. And you don’t want to be trying to dissuade someone like that from hurting you. What you want is for them to be gone with as little fuss as possible.

    It’s possible you may have to deal with her when she figures out she fucked up; if so you can use this tactic then. The message that she fucked up beyond all repair is more effective when it has teeth.

  34. Whilst I agree a Dr is absolutely a good place to go, it's worth talking out concerns and finding a Dr that will work with you and not jump to extremes, if OP is American it may be that the standard approach is circumcision which may be why there is resistance to seeing a Dr at all.

    There are creams you can use to help the skin to be able to stretch and stretches you do with cream applied to help, then there are surgical options which vary in how extreme they go (from a relatively small cut to circumcision)

    Ultimately though, it's entirely up to the penis owner and I'd suggest frustration isn't likely to help him feel ready to follow up on the idea something is “wrong” with his penis. That's a pretty tricky thing to confront especially with elements of the unknown.

    Best of luck OP.

  35. Yeah the fire department aired out the apartment for us with their big fans. I have a regular fan in the bedroom running qith the window open. Still smells in there. The living room also has the window open.

  36. I don’t care how many drinks I’ve had. I would never do this. That’s insane.

    I don’t think he deserves a chance to explain but ig that’s really up to you ??‍♀️

  37. Read the first paragraph of my comment. Gender dyspohira fits their own definition, yet they refuse to list it.

    There's nothing wrong with having a mental disorder, but we should encourage solving it rather than feeding it.

  38. You know what, you are right, imma shoot my shot, I have always made the mistake of becoming friends to much and then someone else date the girl. At the end of the day if I fail I’ll be happy because I tried

  39. My question for you is, do you think you would appreciate more dates if you are forcing him into them?

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