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QuinnReaper live! sex cams for YOU!


Golden Ticket Show: Quinn Reaper (50 tokens per ticket)

Date: January 24, 2023

26 thoughts on “QuinnReaper live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. You totally still can. I'm in my 40s and go to punk, heavy metal, and dance pop concerts. I go out until barclose sometimes. I take part in bike races and play board games with friends and strangers at the comic shop. What in the world is stopping you? I hated prom and homecoming. Hated my teen years. I was the typical angry teen. Took me a decade or two to realize ibwas allowed to have fun. You haven't missed out yet.

  2. Noooope. She ditched you and now her honeybooboo ditched HER so she wants to come back to Mr. Reliable, Mr. Second Fiddle, YOU.

    Hell no. Move on, buddy. You can do better!

  3. So, have you been getting healthier and more fit or no change yet? Did intimacy stop suddenly or tapered off as you got heavier? I am a person who has no attraction whatsoever to overweight women so i can see his point IF that's the real issue. I think you can straight up ask him if it's your weight or it's actually something else and you only think it's because of your weight. Is it possible you're trying to search for the reasons in yourself but maybe it's just him who isn't interested in you anymore? I once had a girlfriend who broke my trust so i had no interest in having sex with her anymore, sometimes there can be other reasons for losing any interest in intimacy.

  4. How this reads to me is that he did something rude (picking at your food scraps, not OK, we can all agree) and you reacted strongly (why would you do that, would you do it to anyone else) to which he negated your reaction (why is it a big deal) to which you reacted strongly (if I spit into a napkin etc) and then he started catastrophizing (now the dinner is “ruined”) and ignoring why you were upset in the first place, which was his inspecting of your food scraps, while claiming the title of innocent victim (all I did was ask a simple question and now I'm the bad guy woe is me).

    It all sounds very frustrating.

    Does he exhibit this kind of controlling/supervising behaviour often? Is it usually tied to food? Do you think he's worried about your disordered eating and going about it terribly? Or does he just like to push your buttons so he can be the aggrieved party?

  5. He literally hit you. Why are you staying with a man who did that and was absolutely awful to you? This IS your future. Stop making excuses for him. If he does this at 2 months, what will he do at 5?

  6. i’ve gone to 4 day music festivals on my own. it is so much more fun. you don’t have to stress about anyone else, don’t have to miss an artist because someone you’re with is hungry or has to pee, you can go wherever whenever. it’s great. go to the festivals you want to go to!

  7. When you see behaviors that you can't abide you break up. That's what t I e early relationship is for, is making sure you are compatible, that the relationship is a good, SAFE fit for both parties. You don't wait 4 years to see how it plays out.sit him down and tell him that he has to unlearn that behavior or you will unlearn his name. You have leverage. You have power. You have value. Use them.

  8. Why is your first assumption that he has a girlfriend rather than the million other reasons it could be?

    Have you ever even met this guy in real life? How are you “FWB” if you live in different states?

  9. Lol. That's what, the price of a cinema ticket? A movie you might not enjoy that you only get to see once. Yes I'd spend that, especially if it was to spend time with my partner, even just 3-4 hours. And far less than the $500-$600 you were quoting lmao

  10. right, but she chooses to be with those people, and she doesn't have to. She wants him to change. She should just go live her life instead of trying to change people that she clearly disrespects.

  11. My god man, I am sorry you are in an environment where you have been treated like absolute shit and you actually think this is somehow your fault. Your gf is horrible and doesn’t deserve you at all. You really need to break up with her if this is a reoccurring situation. You did nothing wrong at all, she is 100% at fault here

  12. Honestly it was a perfect message. It explained your reasoning and expectations clearly. The expectations are clear and reasonable. You didn't give anyone an ultimatum, or try to prevent him from coming (even though it understandably makes YOU uncomfortable). He's the one creating drama for no reason. Good riddance.

  13. Yeah even as someone who does it because I like it, even with fingering and preparation, I’ve had tearing accidentally. And that. Shit. Hurts. I can NOT IMAGINE the fucking pain AFTERWARDS and there 100% hAD TO BE BLOOD AND TEARING FROM THIS. It takes so long to heal like a week and it isn’t easy to deal with. Sex destroys relationships sometimes because of people who don’t feel they need “enthusiastic consent” to continue. This man is a fucking sadist.

  14. Well, you're both young. Sometimes immaturity is due to being young and inexperienced, not knowing how to cope or handle hurt feelings. Other times the behavior is more intentional manipulation.

    You could tell her you understand she's hurt. But this is no way to handle hurt feelings in a relationship, and you wont accept being treated like that. If she wants to talk about it, she can call you. Otherwise you consider the relationship over.

    You said nothing wrong.

    She's insecure and got hurt. Being hurt over trivial things can happen to anyone, but it's not ok to go over the rails like that without even talking to you. And she needs to learn that's not how you resolve hurt feelings.

  15. Tell her that knowingly doing something you know would hurt me, even if I never found out about it, is extremely disrespectful to me. If you care so little about my feelings that you do things you already have agreed not to do and then lying to me about makes me wonder why I should stay in this relationship at all. I’m pretty sure I can find someone who respects my feelings much better than you do. So tell me why should I stay with you?

    Unless her answer is really compelling like quitting her job, you should end things. From here on don’t believe what she says, trust only what she does, she’s a proven liar.

  16. Either you trust her or you don't.

    I decided to message him and ask what he wants.

    This was overstepping. Why would you think that was your place?

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