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Summerfun15live sex stripping with hd cam


2 thoughts on “Summerfun15live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I’m so sorry. You have a LOT going on with you. The miscarriage (and your feelings surrounding the pregnancy news too) is a enough to send anyone in a tailspin. No wonder you’re not up for intimate times. Your body has gone through a lot mentally and physically.

    If your bf truly loves you he will stick around and be supportive. If he isn’t, then good riddance. What I think is important to focus on is you. You need some professional help so you can unpack everything going on. Start with that. And start talking with your bf about why you’re feeling how you do. If he’s supportive he will also share, or perhaps he, too will get some help on supporting you.

    The best thing you can do is focus on your mental health and getting professional help as that will allow you to be the partner you want t9 be,

  2. I think respecting peoples boundaries when it comes to sex is more important. It might be odd, but he’s entitled to feel that way.

    She sounds immature, tbh.

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