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Tiffanyhouston on-line sex chats for YOU!


One thought on “Tiffanyhouston on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Babe that's crazy. It's not disrespectful for an adult to go to see a friend without telling their parent. Please just go to your friend's whenever you want and don't tell him what you're doing. It's literally none of his business.

    If you can access therapy I really think you need it as he's brainwashed you into thinking you owe him control over your life. It's literally abuse and you can't see it because he raised you this way. There's work to be done for you to get healthy. At the moment you're at massive risk of ending up in an abusive relationship. You will not be able to see red flags and abusers will pick up on that a mile off.

    Sending love and strength.

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