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Naked&cum! #milf #lovense #ass #squirt [3494 tokens remaining]

Date: September 21, 2022
Actors: GannaWind

13 thoughts on “TIGHTTINYMILF

  1. You need to break up with ABC. It sounds like she assaulted you, or faked being pregnant, or both.

    Tell your friend. If he understands, he’s a true friend. If he doesn’t, then you were bound to lose him over this anyway.

    The ex is gone.

    You need to make some better life choice and think your decisions through and talk to the people in your life before you make giant life altering decisions.

    Im glad you came to this sub for advice and I hope you follow some of it. This is a really messed up situation.

  2. Your 2 years of work is worth so much more than 3 months of her wrong opinion. She doesn't respect you at all while you respect her. The opposite way around is like you saying she's too fat so she needs to slim up or else you're gonna leave, doesn't sound healthy to me

  3. I think you're right. It does sound like he has commitment issues. I also don't like this weird way he words things when you try to address problems you're having in the relationship. It's like he's trying to put all of the blame onto you in a way by saying, “If things aren't working out, then just let me know so neither of us are wasting each other's time.” That's not loving to me. Not in the slightest. That's telling me he keeps you around because it's convenient rather than because he wants to. “If you aren't a 'convenience' each other, then what's the point?” is what it sounds like he's trying to communicate.

    Is this what you want in a long-term/life partner?

  4. they’re determined to be unkind to her and her relationship and take everything thing on bad faith. they haven’t considered that maybe she’s with this guy because she loves him for reasons other than his dick.

  5. You’re absolutely right. You’re 38. It’s time to be done waiting. You’re already going to resent him.

  6. Lmao omg OP yeah.. your reply here made me absolutely love you girl!

    Look I'm the first person on here to tell people they are in creepy relationships! Im the predatory labeler! Thts not a thing I know just go with it!

    But that's those 10+, and more jesus… age gaps or people who fucking date teenagers when they are basically grown ass adults like…this dude u replied to.. because wtf do u have in common with a teenager…

    Ew. I work with young women who get taken advantage of often and that's why I'm so highly critical of these things

    Now in your case you seem like a level headed woman. Your age gap is 5 years it's not tht much. Again if you are being mindful or any manipulative gaslighting, like you said he can't really hold age or experience over you and if he did he would be a right dick and you should definitely tell him to fuck off. Who wants a condescending bf! Or especially financially. Yall might be in different brackets there. Be careful to not become dependent on him or cut off from your own source of income or career. That's the other thing older men use as a tool basically. Try to make stay at home mom's who have to ask permission to buy gum. ?

    I think you're family might just be concerned because he is almost 30 and will probably want to settle down and Have kids or marriage soon. And might be worried he's gonna try to rush you into that.

    Again. Aslong as you have your eyes open in this regard and speak to your friends stay in touch with family, don't let him try to isolate you from them because that's the first red flag there.

    If he doesn't display any of these warning signs i think you are okay. And if he starts creeping in toxic controlling behavior like trying to do that shit or tell you you shouldn't hang out as much with friends, or drink or eat. And his insecurities become a YOU problem then he needs to get to the door!

    Just please respect yourself and love yourself enough to know your boundaries and not let anyone regardless of age push you to abandon those, or who you truly are to please them!

    Before you are anyone's gf/fiancé or wife. You are your own person!

  7. Switching between clingy and mad constantly isn’t how you should be treated. Have a conversation with her, and ask her exactly what you could do to make her feel loved. Does she want to spend time together? Does she want gifts? Does she want you to do things for her? Does she want a massage or physical affection? She needs to tell you what she wants.

    If she can’t or won’t tell you, it sounds like she needs to see a competent mental health professional. If you are doing everything that you can to make her feel loved, but she still doesn’t feel loved, then she needs to figure out why.

    It’s up to you to decide how you wish to be treated. If she won’t tell you what she needs, and then also refuses to find a good therapist, please reconsider dating her. You are much too young to be spending every ounce of energy on someone who doesn’t appreciate you – and someone who doesn’t want to make positive changes in themselves, if she chooses to do nothing. I wish you well.

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