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8 thoughts on “elacoquettelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Why are you dating someone 15 years younger? She was a teenager up until a year ago. Clearly she has different priorities to you.

  2. He and his friends overreacted but I am a bit lost why you showed up uninvited. You can’t be shocked he wasn’t happy. Some people want to have their own things.

  3. Nah. You don’t need her as a friend. Leave her where she belongs, behind you. Block, delete, walk away. Good luck.

  4. Lifelong migraines sufferer here and I got news for him nothing you do is gonna make your migraines any better. Have you been checked for sleep apnea because you could be having headaches because you have sleep apnea. I used to have sleep apnea until I lost some weight and I don’t have to use a CPAP machine anymore, sadly, my migraines won’t go away

  5. Here’s the issue with all of this….. if she was hoping you’d define the relationship, and she had feelings for you at all, including RESPECT, she’d have come to you and say “hey, our relationship isn’t defined, and there’s someone else asking me out…” she didn’t say ANYTHING until confronted, and her excuse was “Oh, I was just having a fling while you figured out what you wanted to do,” like that is supposed to make her what? More endearing to you? Now, you’ve realized she’s still lying. Yes, I say still because lying by omission is LYING.

    Im sorry to tell you this, but she WOULD be entertaining it. If she had ANY feelings for you at all, she’d have come to you and said something along the lines of “this is just casual, right? Because….” This chick just showed you EXACTLY who she is without realizing she told you who she is! BELIEVE HER!!!

    She’s playing with you. You seem to automatically want to blame yourself for not defining the relationship, but at the 6 month mark, it’s pretty clear there’s definitely some type of relationship between you two, and if she couldn’t communicate to you she wanted your commitment, she’s not the one!

    I’m sorry. But this isn’t your fault. There’s a serious lack of respect on her end. I’m twice your age, and I’ve been there and on the receiving end of it. She wants her cake and eat it too. The fact she was seeing you, then stepped out….. yeah, you’re NOT a priority. I know you don’t want to hear this. I know facing it is hurtful, but better now than a year from now!

    Good luck with whatever you decide to do, OP!

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